peepsalot Remember https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/3794 ? I may have broken it when porting to Clipper2, but I didn't break any tests, and haven't had the chance to manually test it yet. Just a heads-up in case you have/remember fun test cases related to this
InPhase: what's the judgement regarding the door 24 idea?
teepee No sweat - happy to churn through, and let people chip in when they have time and energy. I've tagged the 3mf stuff as a blocker so we don't forget about it :)
"multi-color" support currently needs lazy union, so the question is if we can have some sort of minimal support that does not depend on lazy union
Yeah, I'd say try to get it working with export/import first, then figure out how to deal with the larger ecosystem later
exporting color should work fine, but that's not picked up by the slicer, at least not prusaslicer
you don't happen to have some fun, maybe slightly christmas themed model sitting around in some dusty corner of the filesystem?
we still have an empty door 24
Afraid not - been too buried in code lately to be able to raise my gaze..
In terms of color support, even if slicers don't support it today, having surface color import and export would really help to solidify the internal color support, and set up up for future evolutions of color/material support.
In reality, volumetric colors might be the winner for 3D printing, e.g. based on the stuff ochafik is working on
[github] kintel closed issue #3644 (Generated STL producing bad results when exported in default binary STL format [selecting ASCII export format fixes it]) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/3644
[github] kintel closed issue #4953 (Using --animate: Maximum number of clients reached / Unable to open a connection to the X server. ) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4953
teepee: If you responded to me: I wanted 0xrrggbb, to be able to 1. specify colors as hex constants (which are really numbers), and to do math on the colors without having to convert to string or decompose to r,g,b
minor issue, but related to bitwise operator support
ahh, hex (or even more general) constants, right, there was a PR already
made a bit difficult by our non-standard ID lexer rule allowing leading numbers
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I exported my scene into OFF file, but the color information does not seem to have saved to the OFF file.
TOV: did you use the dev snapshot and enable "manifold" as mentioned earlier?
no. I am using the current flatpak version of openSCAD