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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Merge pull request #136 from IamLRBA/main Added link to openscad.github.com in this Repo's README) https://github.com/openscad/openscad.github.com/commit/e72f9a27a295dea98eee85a5766e15e9f953053d
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 additions 1 removals (Update and rename README to README.md) https://github.com/openscad/openscad.github.com/commit/3721088f8bbe484e2c1637ccd6d9834a159b2849
<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 additions 1 removals (Merge pull request #137 from openscad/t-paul-patch-1 Update and rename README to README.md) https://github.com/openscad/openscad.github.com/commit/1baca4734ec97fc53cd6ba8473498854e5f4cd97
<gbruno> [github] kintel reopened issue #5447 (nondeterministic export_stl.cc assertion failure at line 172) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5447
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<kintel> partcad-user: Debugging Windows workflows isn't fun. Are you able to reproduce in an interactive environment?
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 10 modifications (Merge branch 'master' into kintel-printservice) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/4a4903e5abc29fcff24eceac19cbb4be6ab0b304
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5357 (Add support for multiple 3D print services) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5357
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<pca006132> TylerTork: Yes it is simpler, but so far no one is working on it.
<pca006132> and how is minkowski buggy?
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<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5357 (Add support for multiple 3D print services) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5357
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 2 additions 14 modifications (Add support for multiple 3D print services (#5357) * Generalize extern tool services * Better fileformat initialization, added fileformat::info()) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/11fb64f013b494399358dc4a5ff5de84847983b0
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #5453 (Setting for icon color) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5453
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<InPhase> pca006132: It's easy to get the impression it's buggy because there are seemingly "ordinary" operations one might want to do with minkowski which end up taking extraordinarily long times or overflowing the RAM limit on smaller RAM computers and crashing the whole program.
<InPhase> pca006132: i.e. the real problem is just that it scales poorly, and that gives people problems.
<InPhase> pca006132: I'm not aware of any actual runtime bugs or flaws other than these time/space resource limit issues.
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<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #5361 (Crashing randomly and frequently) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5361
<f0lkert> ok
<f0lkert> seems povray animation works \o/
<f0lkert> pull request impending
<f0lkert> pull request being merely a review-request
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #5128 (macOS: Improve deployment target management for universal binaries) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5128
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4710 (OpenSCAD 2021.01 won't open in Mac OS X 10.9) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4710
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4470 (fastcsg-remesh causes flaky behavior on CGAL-5.5.1) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4470
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4870 (retire fastcsg?) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4870
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4849 (windows 10 2023.11.14 WARNING: [fast-csg] Corefinement corefinement mesh difference #4 failed) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4849
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4559 (F6 fails with fast-csg) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4559
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4421 (fast-csg: segfault on render) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4421
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4400 (fast-csg regression in cgalpngtest_example022) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4400
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed issue #4353 ("ERROR: Compilation aborted by exception: Unauthorized intersections of constraints" after enabling fast-csg) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/4353
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<gbruno> [github] kintel opened pull request #5454 (Bump Qt to 5.15.16 and QScintilla to 2.14.1) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5454
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Fix qscintilla folder issue) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/21642aa73115b0495ce2284f8152250efd8ac2f4
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Require macOS 11 to follow minimum requirements of Qt6) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/87f37b8a2d35c0bd41a7158e53b19ce688ea6012
<gbruno> [github] kintel opened pull request #5455 (Use Qt6 (6.5.3) for macOS) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5455
<gbruno> [github] kintel edited pull request #5455 (Use Qt6 (6.5.3) for macOS) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5455
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<J24k> hi f0lkert are you aware the 24.11.28 build the povray export is not working anymore as an stl file is set used as ini which causes a parsing error?
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<f0lkert> J24k: can you give an example commandline?
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<J24k> it is not an ini file it uses the stl file .. starting with solid OpenSCAD_Model
<f0lkert> I'm not sure what you mean. if I load an .scad, press f6 and export a pov script, then that is what I get.
<J24k> oh gosh who designed that - can't copy the error .. https://imgur.com/a/zpmfHtz
<f0lkert> but what is that ini file? i know of no ini file.
<J24k> f0lkert ok seems the "pov fileformat" got lost/overwritten during the update -  had to set it to something and back to pov now it is working again
<J24k> however the viewing angle (and lights) are still wrong
<f0lkert> are you aware that you first need to move the camera in the openscad-viewport to the location that you want to get rendered?
<J24k> you mean define $vpr ?
<f0lkert> could be :-) I usually move the camera using the mouse in the viewport :-)
<J24k> doesn't affect the pov
<f0lkert> it should
<J24k> f0lkert here side by side https://imgur.com/a/eC6YJoI
<J24k> right the scad window left the pov render
<f0lkert> that's wrong indeed. and strange. can I see the .scad-file?
<J24k> and changing the view https://imgur.com/a/SXn2g0h
<J24k> has no effect on the pov render
<J24k> f0lkert sure https://bpa.st/JC3A
<f0lkert> one sec, am in a meeting now
<f0lkert> otoh that's with my personal build, not the nightly build or so I realise
<J24k> ah so commit the PR?
<f0lkert> hmmm maybe it didn't get merged?
<f0lkert> the 2nd patch that is, not the 3d from this morning
<f0lkert> no it *did* get merged: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5393
<J24k> that was some time ago (if i read that right)  should be in 2024.11.28 then
<f0lkert> I think so yes
<J24k> f0lkert so why is it not working?
<f0lkert> J24k: can you check the version? help -> about and then it should show something like version 2024.11.28.ai21352 (git 11fb64f01)
<J24k> git 11fb64f0
<J24k> 1
<J24k> (updated it this morning)
<f0lkert> I'm puzzled
<gbruno> [github] folkertvanheusden opened pull request #5456 (Povray animation) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5456
<f0lkert> I have no idea, because I can't reproduce it
<f0lkert> I tried exporting it from the appimage but it gives the exact same pov-file
<J24k> f0lkert found something - i am using the "local slicer" to POV button/function
<J24k> seems your updates doesn't happen there - when exporting as POV it is working
<f0lkert> J24k: this one? https://imgur.com/a/mwDbc4e
<J24k> f0lkert yes exactly there
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<f0lkert> ah, that doesn't work at all for me: I get ERROR: Could not start Slicer '': Unknown error
<f0lkert> I've got to go now, can take a look at it later hopefully. I have some ideas where to find it though.
<J24k> great ..
<J24k> i just have the executable filled in (…PovRay/bin/pvengine64.exe)
<J24k> to make it working (and file format POV)
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<J24k> transparency render in scad is full of artifacts https://imgur.com/a/Dn4m2tM
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<gbruno> [github] gsohler opened pull request #5457 (make File->Export code more versatile, no per-format slot) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5457
<pca006132> InPhase: But I do agree that openscad should make offset work with 3D objects, and use minkowski for now as the implementation
<pca006132> This will allow us to swap to a more performant option in the future...
<pca006132> if anyone decides to implement it
<guso78k> Yeahh, offset with  positive and negative r, delta and chamfer , these are dozens of separate cases
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<InPhase> pca006132: I think I'd be more comfortable waiting to implement a 3D offset until a performant solution is available, just in case we hit a scenario where the behavior of the straightforward performant solution might differ slightly in output from what minkowski would give. I wouldn't want to tie our hands, given how much more important having a performant solution is.
<InPhase> Some people on some designs will consider any difference in edge or vertex placement to be a breaking change.
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications 1 removals (Bump Qt to 5.15.16 and QScintilla to 2.14.1 (#5454) * Bump qt5 and qscintilla * Fix qscintilla folder issue) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/135376c55a09be36e81d11cbf623e5b369c7fab5
<gbruno> [github] kintel closed pull request #5454 (Bump Qt to 5.15.16 and QScintilla to 2.14.1) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5454
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<gbruno> [github] gsohler synchronize pull request #5457 (make File->Export code more versatile, no per-format slot) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5457
<pca006132> InPhase: I see...
<pca006132> I think I will get to dealing with mesh offset, but will need to find enough time for that
<pca006132> need to spend more time on research to get more publication, otherwise I probably can't find a job after I graduate next year...
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<kintel> J24k Perhaps related to your POV issue: I just merged this yesterday: https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5357
<kintel> If you can confirm that this actually broke your workflow, I'll try to reproduce and fix.
<J24k> kintel the "update" had reset the fileformat - so it was set to POV but used STL .. the other issue is that the print service is not the same as POV export
<J24k> as the camera position is not extracted
<J24k> after changing the file format - and back to POV this part works ..  not sure why the camera pos is not in using the "local slicer"
<kintel> oh, I perhaps didn't wire up the camera stuff
<kintel> J24k Are you building yourself or using the binaries?
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<J24k> kintel just use the download on the website this morning
<J24k> 11.28
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<kintel> J24k ..and you're using the Local Slicer integration to be able to get a PNG out of PovRay with one click?
<J24k> kintel yes that is the idea (i am more testing if it is possible at the moment - the camera and light situation is the problem here)
<J24k> another is that the png will be in the temp folder buried deep in system files (windows)
<J24k> oh and just noticed a pov file is still there .. those were normaly deleted
<J24k> (over 100mb)
<J24k> yes seems the temp pov files are not deleted anymore
<kintel> Since we open the external slicer as a separate process, we don't know when it's done with the file..
<kintel> and yes, since we don't support passing arguments, povray will just do the default, which is to render a PNG in the same folder as the .pov
<J24k> Yes, maybe we could check the next time when scad opens if there are backup/temp files
<kintel> yup, we'd just need to track it somewhere, and implement that :)
<J24k> the problem is those pov files are easy several hundred mb big
<kintel> We could potentially remove the files on exit
<J24k> .. once i made several images (small changes in openscad and hit the button) .. and  GB were suddenly created
<J24k> in earlier versions openscad deleted those
<kintel> Btw., camera output seems to work for me; I just move the camera, set up povray as a local slicer and press F8 -> png is correct
<J24k> is that the 11.28 version
<J24k> i only got that with manual exporting the pov
<kintel> Uh, my local master. Perhaps I forgot to sync : /
<kintel> duh, I'm dumb.
<kintel> Anyway, I got it to work as of yesterday, let's try today's version :)
<J24k> .oO that is why i use the files on the website to make some QA (and i am lazy for sure))
<J24k> i think it would be a big benefit if the pov png would be in the folder of the scad file
<J24k> as it has the random temp characters it shouldn't overwrite anything
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<Guest7> hello
<Guest7> i have a request of my assigment. is it possible to help me please?
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<J24k> Guest7 sure
<Guest7> can i send you my reddit thread?
<J24k> just post it here
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 3 modifications (Bugfix: Provide camera info to 3D print exports) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/3a1711d3fecd88073bb1990b7e0efd1bf38665b9
<gbruno> [github] kintel opened pull request #5458 (Bugfix: Provide camera info to 3D print exports) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5458
<kintel> J24k ^ Should fix it
<InPhase> Guest7: First, I'm very happy to see you have an OpenSCAD school assignment. That's some quality education going on. What educational level is it at?
<kintel> In terms of making the PNG appear elsewhere, we'd have to add a way of passing information/arguments to the external process
<J24k> Guest7  use offset to create the 2D shape .. resize will allow to set the l size
<InPhase> Guest7: First main question, where is length l supposed to be on the diagram?
<J24k> kintel https://wiki.povray.org/content/Reference:File_Output_Options#Output_File_Type  seems you can't just specify a folder
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<Guest7> I dont really know, this was picture that i recieved. I never done anything in this program
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<InPhase> Guest7: Second question, are the middle quadrants (parts toward the middle) of each section of the 8 supposed to be straight like a plus sign? The first comment in response is on the right track IF that middle part is supposed to be straight lines.
<InPhase> Guest7: Wait, never did anything at all in OpenSCAD?
<kintel> You'd have to do povray +O/tmp/out.png as a start. We cannot make this specific to povray anyway, so we'd need to find a generic mechanism to make it work
<Guest7> Yeah i think it should be + and two "c"
<InPhase> Guest7: Did you receive any instruction in the language or how to use the program?
<J24k> kintel yeah just read a little further - Ü  .. you can just spec the folder ..
<Guest7> He give us this just to test how we will handle with the program and then we will start learning
<InPhase> Guest7: Is this at the high school level?
<Guest7> Yeah, bu I'm at school focused on something else than this
<InPhase> tutorial?
<othx> tutorial is The OpenSCAD tutorial is a great place to learn how to create designs in OpenSCAD, and can be found at: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSCAD_Tutorial
<InPhase> Guest7: The best thing for you to start with is that tutorial at that link. ^
<InPhase> Guest7: You won't really be able to do anything about that shape without someone just telling you the answers until you go through at least the early parts of the tutorial.
<InPhase> A bit of the tutorial, plus the "cheatsheet" at the top of the tutorial that lists the commands, will at least get you started on making that shape.
<Guest7> I forgot about my assigment and i need to submit it tomorrow
<Guest7> I'm hopeless rn
<InPhase> Going through the important parts of the tutorial should be about an hour.
<Guest7> okay, thanks
<InPhase> Completing the assignment will probably take you an hour.
<Guest7> i will check it out
<InPhase> If you build up experience, it's like a 5-10 minute assignment. So that time is just for the learning.
<InPhase> So if you have the 2 hours, and focus on it with those two halves, tutorial for an hour, then cheatsheet and the problem, you should get it done I think.
<InPhase> Note that you probably won't finish the tutorial in an hour, but maybe after one hour worth, stop where you are, and try the problem.
<InPhase> You can always come back to the tutorial later before your next assignment.
<InPhase> (Hopefully a little ahead of time.)
<InPhase> Good luck!
<J24k> kintel just received an IO Restriction prohibit write access when specify a different directory for the png
<InPhase> J24k: lol. I had to read that a few times before I realized you were not announcing a punishment of kintel.
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Use custom QT6 cache) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/a8b022fb0582f1c9fa10a0da6e552f4801121981
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Use custom QT6 cache) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/bd071b7852e88247ccb813e0ec96d9fd4ce2b664
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5455 (Use Qt6 (6.5.3) for macOS) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5455
<gbruno> [github] kintel pushed 1 modifications (Use custom QT6 cache) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/a8b022fb0582f1c9fa10a0da6e552f4801121981
<J24k> InPhase LOL
<gbruno> [github] kintel synchronize pull request #5455 (Use Qt6 (6.5.3) for macOS) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5455
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<f0lkert> J24k: is the problem resolved? I skimmed the chat-history and saw some mentions about povray
<J24k> kintel just submitted a fix for the camera
<f0lkert> cool
<J24k> f0lkert  but  any idea why a cant specify a different folder in povray ?
<J24k> giving me IO restriction for wrtie access
<f0lkert> no, works fine on linux
<J24k> (and the lights are still an issue to solve - maybe just two lights left and right /above the camera
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<J24k> i assume it may have to do with how the process is started and the pov file is in temp
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<kintel> J24k Works for me, just have to add a slash at the end to make povray believe it's a folder
<J24k> that is what i did  and +o"E:\folder\"
<J24k> but povray say IO restriction
<kintel> oh, Windows.
<kintel> I guess read the povray source code and see how they do it : /
<J24k> i also couldn't find a setting in the gui for that
<J24k> i bit weird is that when povray opens via openscad (commandline) the pov script is not visible but all setting from the previous render
<f0lkert> try +O (uppercase o)
<kintel> Heh, you're using a >30 year old program. "a bit weird" sounds like best case scenario :)
<J24k> f0lkert nope https://imgur.com/a/dupHG9r
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<f0lkert> on linux I would say; check what strace says. is there something like strace for windows?\
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<J24k> f0lkert monitoring shows it tries to open the png in the folder specified but "NAME NOT FOUND"
<J24k> kintel yes that solved it - thanks
<f0lkert> cool
<J24k> but as i use the default configuration - other user will ran into that issue if we configure a different path in openscad
<J24k> guess the only way around would be to save the temp pov file also in the same directory as the scad is
<gbruno> [github] gsohler synchronize pull request #5457 (make File->Export code more versatile, no per-format slot) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5457
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<meshugga> heyo, why is a projection in preview 1mm thick? and shouldn't it be mentioned in the docs that you can only reproduce the projection() examples screenshots with rendering?
<gbruno> [github] gsohler synchronize pull request #5457 (make File->Export code more versatile, no per-format slot) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5457
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<gbruno> [github] gsohler synchronize pull request #5457 (make File->Export code more versatile, no per-format slot) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/pull/5457
<teepee> *all* 2d shapes are currently previewed as 1mm thick
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<partcad-user> kintel: >Debugging Windows workflows isn't fun. Are you able to reproduce in an interactive environment?
<partcad-user> kintel: nope
<partcad-user> =================================== ERRORS ====================================
<partcad-user> ___ ERROR collecting openscad/openscad-2021.01/libraries/MCAD/test_docs.py ____
<partcad-user> openscad\openscad-2021.01\libraries\MCAD\test_docs.py:8: in pytest_generate_tests
<partcad-user>     if "filename" in metafunc.funcargnames:
<partcad-user> E AttributeError: 'Metafunc' object has no attribute 'funcargnames'
<partcad-user> =========================== short test summary info ===========================
<partcad-user> ERROR openscad/openscad-2021.01/libraries/MCAD/test_docs.py - AttributeError: 'Metafunc' object has no attribute 'funcargnames'
<partcad-user> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stopping after 1 failures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<partcad-user> ============================== 1 error in 0.16s ===============================
<partcad-user> I'm now checking the hypothesis that it happens when I change the CWD after installation. Just a hypothesis. Yesterday it started working and then broke again
<teepee> what is that even?
<partcad-user> Oh, I'm restarting the conversation from yesterday.
<teepee> running a test suite?
<partcad-user> That's a log from a GitHub action
<teepee> which is supposed to do what?
<partcad-user> It's either the installation or "openscad --version"
<partcad-user> checking
<teepee> nope
<partcad-user> I was hoping someone recognizes it
<teepee> certainly that is not running pytest
<partcad-user> Give me a few more minutes to double check