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wow the mailing list is getting on fire recently
Good stuff or melodrama?
good stuff
Well then good. :)
oh and the US election should be ending soon, hopefully this will reduce the amount of internet dramas elsewhere as well
We'll see...
btw was in SF last weekend, it is a pretty nice place
and much better public transport comparing to LA
Yeah, LA is a shining example of how to make public transportation not work, with a layout that makes it particularly challenging. SF has mountains packing people into configurations that work well for public transport.
I think it is more than just a layout problem though, their airport (LAX) traffic is also very bad...
though, to be fair, I was not staying in downtown LA, so probably not comparable
(to SF)
I commuted through LA traffic for very many painful years.
/ Basic badge model with specified dimensions
/ Dimensions: 83mm x 21mm x 4mm
/ Main body
difference() {
// Base plate with rounded corners
hull() {
translate([2, 2, 0])
cylinder(h=4, r=2, $fn=50);
translate([81, 2, 0])
cylinder(h=4, r=2, $fn=50);
translate([81, 19, 0])
cylinder(h=4, r=2, $fn=50);
translate([2, 19, 0])
cylinder(h=4, r=2, $fn=50);
// Inset for text area
translate([3, 3, 3])
translate([81, 19, 0])
cylinder(h=4.7, r=2, $fn=50);
translate([2, 19, 0])
cylinder(h=4.7, r=2, $fn=50);
Guest81 has left #openscad [#openscad]
Why does that keep happening?
Different ip addresses every time, but the same pattern of Guest## pastes with the left "/" eaten on comments, and the same paste timeline for join/paste/part, which makes it look like the same person.
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Hi, it looks like the Mac development build binaries are only signed for Arm, on X86 the crash with Termination Reason: CODESIGNING 4 Launch Constraint Violation error
Non-ICE has quit [Quit: Screw you guys, im going home!]
Guest20: Apple trying to strongarm open source developers for cash is not a software bug, it's an operating system manufacturer fault to be addressed with the manufacturer of that operating system.
The program should run fine on macos without this.
It runs fine on M1, so seems like a bug in build process that causes it to crash on X86
Trying to build it myself on X86 now to see if that gives me a working copy
that isn't a crash, it is the os refusing to run unsigned code. in order to sign applications for osx you need to have a personal account with apple and pay a subscription. this all also has to be run from current generation apple hardware.
I personally consider that rather hostile
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InPhase as there are also severe syntax issues i would not wonder if AI is at work here
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J24k53: That gave a mental image. It would be hilariously tragic if some AI was given IRC access to try to connect and paste code to get feedback on it. ;)
When the AIs learn to use human-farms to fix up their weaknesses in what they generate, we have a problem.
didn't there was a case where the AI convinced a human to solve a captcha?