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<pca006132> wow the mailing list is getting on fire recently
<InPhase> Good stuff or melodrama?
<pca006132> good stuff
<InPhase> Well then good. :)
<pca006132> oh and the US election should be ending soon, hopefully this will reduce the amount of internet dramas elsewhere as well
<InPhase> We'll see...
<pca006132> btw was in SF last weekend, it is a pretty nice place
<pca006132> and much better public transport comparing to LA
<InPhase> Yeah, LA is a shining example of how to make public transportation not work, with a layout that makes it particularly challenging. SF has mountains packing people into configurations that work well for public transport.
<pca006132> I think it is more than just a layout problem though, their airport (LAX) traffic is also very bad...
<pca006132> though, to be fair, I was not staying in downtown LA, so probably not comparable
<pca006132> (to SF)
<InPhase> I commuted through LA traffic for very many painful years.
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<gbruno> [github] yahbluez opened issue #5403 (visibly module names) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5403
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul closed issue #5403 (visibly module names) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5403
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<Guest81> / Basic badge model with specified dimensions
<Guest81> / Dimensions: 83mm x 21mm x 4mm
<Guest81> / Main body
<Guest81> difference() {
<Guest81>     // Base plate with rounded corners
<Guest81>     hull() {
<Guest81>         translate([2, 2, 0])
<Guest81>         cylinder(h=4, r=2, $fn=50);
<Guest81>         translate([81, 2, 0])
<Guest81>         cylinder(h=4, r=2, $fn=50);
<Guest81>         translate([81, 19, 0])
<Guest81>         cylinder(h=4, r=2, $fn=50);
<Guest81>         translate([2, 19, 0])
<Guest81>         cylinder(h=4, r=2, $fn=50);
<Guest81>     }
<Guest81>     // Inset for text area
<Guest81>     translate([3, 3, 3])
<Guest81>     linear_extrude(height=1)
<Guest81>         translate([81, 19, 0])
<Guest81>         cylinder(h=4.7, r=2, $fn=50);
<Guest81>         translate([2, 19, 0])
<Guest81>         cylinder(h=4.7, r=2, $fn=50);
<Guest81>     }
<Guest81> }
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<InPhase> Why does that keep happening?
<InPhase> Different ip addresses every time, but the same pattern of Guest## pastes with the left "/" eaten on comments, and the same paste timeline for join/paste/part, which makes it look like the same person.
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<Guest20> Hi, it looks like the Mac development build binaries are only signed for Arm, on X86 the crash with Termination Reason: CODESIGNING 4 Launch Constraint Violation error
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<InPhase> Guest20: Apple trying to strongarm open source developers for cash is not a software bug, it's an operating system manufacturer fault to be addressed with the manufacturer of that operating system.
<InPhase> The program should run fine on macos without this.
<Guest20> It runs fine on M1, so seems like a bug in build process that causes it to crash on X86
<Guest20> Trying to build it myself on X86 now to see if that gives me a working copy
<Scopeuk> that isn't a crash, it is the os refusing to run unsigned code. in order to sign applications for osx you need to have a personal account with apple and pay a subscription. this all also has to be run from current generation apple hardware.
<Scopeuk> I personally consider that rather hostile
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<J24k53> InPhase as there are also severe syntax issues  i would not wonder if AI is at work here
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<InPhase> J24k53: That gave a mental image. It would be hilariously tragic if some AI was given IRC access to try to connect and paste code to get feedback on it. ;)
<InPhase> When the AIs learn to use human-farms to fix up their weaknesses in what they generate, we have a problem.
<J24k53> didn't there was a case where the AI convinced a human to solve a captcha?
<J24k53> InPhase .. yes
<J24k53> I am also pretty sure reddit is full of bots (some with ai some are just human)
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<UltimateCodeWarr> If anyones wondering, was able to setup Bambu Labs Studio on Ubunto 24 and was able to print some STL's from OpenSCAD.
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