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kintel: FYI manifold will hopefully make a release in one or two weeks
and API changes are settled, we are just working on documentation and bindings now
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I see that builtin_translate in src/core/ executes a translate, but where is it outputted as text? I'm trying to find where/how the AST is converted back into text (if at all?)
oh, multmatrix
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Hello. Is there a way to merge a curved wall (say, rotate_extruded something) with a pattern done in 2D space?
basically linear_extruding the pattern and then bending it... I've seen a bend module on github, but I'm not sure whether that's the best option
there is no easy to use built-in feature for that
Guest52: Can you express the pattern as a mathematical function?
Guest52: If yes, then it's very easy to solve. :)