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<pca006132> kintel: FYI manifold will hopefully make a release in one or two weeks
<pca006132> and API changes are settled, we are just working on documentation and bindings now
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<f0lkert> I see that builtin_translate in src/core/TransformNode.cc executes a translate, but where is it outputted as text? I'm trying to find where/how the AST is converted back into text (if at all?)
<f0lkert> oh, multmatrix
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<f0lkert> haha this is not trivial :-)
<f0lkert> (povray export)
<f0lkert> (the non-triangle version)
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<f0lkert> So, I'm working on a new way of exporting povray. This time not all triangles/polygons but the original CSG. The POC results can be seen at https://vps001.vanheusden.com/~folkert/openscad-pov/NG/
<f0lkert> There's a lot work to do still, but the idea is feasible as it shows.
<InPhase> f0lkert: There is so much open source software out there... How did it arise that this article mentions only OpenSCAD?
<J24k45> teepee   version 2024.10.31  get errors when an unsaved file is used (new)
<J24k45> ERROR: Parser error: file access denied
<J24k45> ERROR: Compilation failed! (no top level object found)
<J24k45> Windows
<f0lkert> InPhase: no idea!
<J24k45> also seems that all tabs save the backup with the name of the first
<J24k45> which overwrite the backup from other tabs
<J24k45> InPhase - because openSCAD had i ticke? https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5398
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<gbruno> [github] UBaer21 opened issue #5404 (multi tab backup files) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5404
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<gbruno> [github] UBaer21 opened issue #5405 (No preview/render without saving.) https://github.com/openscad/openscad/issues/5405
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<Guest52> Hello. Is there a way to merge a curved wall (say, rotate_extruded something) with a pattern done in 2D space?
<Guest52> basically linear_extruding the pattern and then bending it... I've seen a bend module on github, but I'm not sure whether that's the best option
<teepee> there is no easy to use built-in feature for that
<InPhase> Guest52: Can you express the pattern as a mathematical function?
<InPhase> Guest52: If yes, then it's very easy to solve. :)