InPhase: yes, most of the operations are deterministic even when run in parallel, but we have some optimization that let threads race against each other to get some performance improvement, and that is not something that can be made deterministic
pca006132: But can it be kept parallel in a way where those same calculations yield deterministic results that are consistent between systems?
well, the answer should be we don't know yet
What is the source of this not being possible?
In some sort of brief summary if you can.
we cannot predict the result size of some operations, but we need that information to determine the operation order
so things are racing against each other, and we use the immediate result to schedule operations
because mesh boolean is not really associative if you want identical results (because floating points...), different order of operations changes the result slightly
you can stick to a deterministic order, but having non-deterministic order allows things to run slightly faster
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and if we want something truly deterministic (we are not having that right now), we have to avoid a lot of parallel computation with floating point, or be very careful about it
It appears that openscad is terribly missing an option to extract the mesh from a solid/module. Imageine for a moment that i wanted to code such a function which would return an openSCAD list of coordinates. Accepting the fact that openSCAD would have to render the geomtry prior to getting coordinates: is it conceptoinally possible to access
module information from within openscad functions ?
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guso78k: this code exists in the object PT
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