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< akhandait[m]> zoq: Yeah, a clean build on master :/
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #28: ABORTED in 2 hr 30 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #471: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 50 min:
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< zoq> akhandait[m]: Hm, so you can build with -DDOWNLOAD_STB_IMAGE=OFF but we should see if we can somehow solve the issue.
< zoq> akhandait[m]: The error message isn't really helpful here, so I guess we have to find a system to reproduce the issue, can you post some more information about your setup, boost, armadillo version, dist?
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< make-me-smile> Hey! I was looking to start contributing. I am familiar with the basics of Machine Learning. I found this inactive PR #1836. The good-first-issue #1965 specifies few other stale PRs, does it mean that PR #1836 is no longer required?
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< rcurtin> make-me-smile: I'm not sure if your nick is a reference to the band Chicago but I now have the associated song stuck in my head :)
< rcurtin> anyway, sure, I think it's fine if you want to resurrect #1836 and #1875
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< make_me_smile> Thanks rcurtin. But now when I see, I have this problem building MLPack on Ubuntu 18.04.
< make_me_smile> I am following as instructed on the website, but keep getting this error:
< make_me_smile> [ 49%] Built target generate_pyx_kmeans[ 49%] Built target generate_pyx_kdeMakefile:140: recipe for target 'all' failedmake: *** [all] Error 2
< rcurtin> okay, that's not the actual error though, could you paste the part of the compilation that failed? :)
< make_me_smile> it produces too many warnings about mlpackMain() defined but not used, and parameter 'objective' set but not used.
< make_me_smile> And yes: error: ‘class ens::VanillaUpdate’ has no member named ‘Initialize’ updater.Initialize(learningNetwork.Parameters().n_rows,
< make_me_smile> for the complete log
< make_me_smile> btw, posting pastebin links is allowed right?
make_me_smile is now known as khizirsiddiqui
< rcurtin> khizirsiddiqui: sure, no problem, sorry about the slow response from my end
< rcurtin> what version of mlpack are you building? there is an issue with 3.1.1 that means it will not build properly with the newest ensmallen version (which it automatically downloads)
< rcurtin> so I'd suggest building the git master branch until we release 3.2.0 (which we will do in just a couple days)
< khizirsiddiqui> Oh, cool. I will use the git master branch then.
< rcurtin> awesome; sorry about the inconvenience
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< khizirsiddiqui> I could build it now. Thanks.
< khizirsiddiqui> BTW, why are we getting that error?
< rcurtin> khizirsiddiqui: the underlying reason is a little stupid and it's my fault ...
< rcurtin> basically, if ensmallen (a dependency) is not available during the CMake configuration, then CMake will go download
< rcurtin> and use that as a dependency
< rcurtin> but then we released ensmallen 2.10.0, which is not reverse-compatible with the previous versions; thus, mlpack 3.1.1 requires ensmallen 1.x, but the build configuration now automatically downloads 2.x,
< rcurtin> because ensmallen-newest.tar.gz is just a symlink to the newest version...
< rcurtin> so I had simply overlooked the clear fact that ensmallen-newest.tar.gz might not always be compatible with the mlpack 3.1.1 release
< rcurtin> I guess I could release 3.1.2 with a really simple patch fix, but we are so close to a 3.2.0 release that it makes more sense to just wait a bit
< khizirsiddiqui> Ah, yes yes.
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< ameyaosd> I'm trying to install mlpack on windows reading this tutorial. If I have to install it on Visual Studio 2019 which kind of project should I make? A Console App or a CMake Project or something else?
< zoq> ameyaosd: After the cmake step, open "C:\mlpack\mlpack\build\mlpack.sln", this will open the correct project for you, so there is no need to create one.
< ameyaosd> Thanks zoq. When it says `Unzip mlpack to "C:\mlpack\mlpack"` from where does it mean that? Cause I downloaded the installer from and then ran it.
< zoq> ameyaosd: With installer you mean the tar.gz file?
< zoq> ameyaosd: Or I guess you mean the msi?
< ameyaosd> the msi
< zoq> ameyaosd: If you just wanted to use mlpack, all you need to do is to run the installer, so the steps mentioned in the wiki aren't necessary.
< ameyaosd> I wanted to run mlpack but I later plan to solve an issue on GitHub. That's why
< zoq> ameyaosd: In this case, I would use the tar.gz file instead of msi and follow the steps.
< zoq> ameyaosd: The tar.gz file should contain a mlpack folder which you can copy to the path mentioned in the tutorial.
< ameyaosd> Alright sure.
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