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< ssk99> Hi guys, how do I make cmake use python3.6 instead of python2.7 while compiling from source? Thanks
< ssk99> Ah I figured it out. Just have to use the -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/path/to/python_version
< ssk99> Just a suggestion but I think this should be included among the flags listed in
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< jeffin143> @zoq : you there ?
< jeffin143> For loading image , can't I give arma::mat as output type to load an image ?
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #18: ABORTED in 2 hr 30 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #459: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 53 min:
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< rcurtin> ssk99: good point, if you want to open a PR for that we can merge that change, otherwise I can do it
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< jeffin143> rcurtin , can we convert arma::Mat<unsigned char> to arma::mat ?
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< zoq> jeffin143: Will open a PR with the change.
< jeffin143> Also
< jeffin143> Zoq , I am currently working on building the binding for load and same so if you don't mind , I can just make the changes
< jeffin143> Also , the tutorial mentioned, flipvertical Param , but couldn't find that anywhere
< zoq> jeffin143: If you like you can include that change in the PR you are working on.
< zoq> jeffin143: Ahh, nice catch, this should be transpose.
< zoq> jeffin143: Yes and line 155 should use the eT as well.
< jeffin143> You ment 115 instead of 155 right
< zoq> jeffin143: I see, we can remove the parameter than.
< zoq> 115 right
< jeffin143> Ok may be also I can remove that , I am not sure if that is there or not , if not there I will just remove it
< ssk99> Hey rcurtin I opened a PR for including that CMAKE flag in the list of flags. It's my first PR so let me know if everything's fine :)
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< jeffin143> zoq : u still there ?
< zoq> jeffin143: yes
< jeffin143> The matrix is empty , and next line we are saving that matrix ,to an image
< jeffin143> And also subsequently ,what is the meaning of line no 392 and 393..???
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< zoq> 392 + 393, does bring the image in the form we require for multiple images, which is one image per col. But I can't really make sense of 388.
< zoq> Looks like there are a couple of issues that I haven't seen in the first place.
< zoq> I think it makes sense to open a PR that a specific to the image loading/saving changes.
< zoq> I can do that unless you already have most of the changes ready?
< jeffin143> Is it matrix.setsize of matrix.resize ?
< zoq> jeffin143: set size, but I think img and matrix is swapped, since matrix is the input parameter and should contain the image data.
< jeffin143> Also , should it be img=matrix.col(0) ?
< jeffin143> Isntead of matrix.col(0) ? Image..??
< jeffin143> Ok I will just check and let you know..???
< zoq> jeffin143: Personally, I would remove the resize and let the user do it if necessary:
< jeffin143> We are already providing that isn't it
< jeffin143> We can specify the image height width and channels
< jeffin143> And that is resized
< zoq> jeffin143: Not sure what you mean.
< jeffin143> Umm , zoq , I will will make some changes and raise a pR , and then if you want you can just make apt changes over that
< jeffin143> Also , unsigned char image = matrix.memptr() throws and error
< jeffin143> If matrix is double..???
< jeffin143> I mean arma mat
< zoq> jeffin143: Can you post the complete line, or I guess I can also comment on the PR, once opened.
< jeffin143> The lines throws error , cannot convert double* to unsigned char in intialisation
< zoq> jeffin143: Right, that once needs a conv_to if you don't pass unsigned int
< jeffin143> Ok
< jeffin143> arma::Mat<unsigned char> image = conv_to<unsigned char>::from(matrix) ?
< jeffin143> Zoq , is above line ok.?
< zoq> jeffin143: arma::Mat<unsigned char> image = conv_to<arma::Mat<unsigned char> >::from(matrix).
< jeffin143> Ohhh
< jeffin143> Ok
< rcurtin> ssk99: saw the PR, thanks for opening that! I'll try to respond later today
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7992 (master - a6040b7 : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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