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< rcurtin> alright, after almost two years I now finally own the pypi package name 'mlpack'---so I will be able to update our documentation so our users can run 'pip install mlpack' not 'pip install mlpack3'
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #78: STILL UNSTABLE in 6 hr 21 min:
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #33: FAILURE in 48 min:
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< zoq> rcurtin: Wow, through the package claim program?
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< khizirsiddiqui97> rcurtin: In PR 1836, you suggested the metrics to have same interface as other metrics (lmetric_imp.hpp) and not evaluate model. To maintain uniformity, I will have to change the implementation of other already implemented metrics like accuracy, f1, mse, recall, average, etc.
< khizirsiddiqui97> Should I change them all or just implement the new metrics in lmetric_imp.hpp way.
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< jeffin143> Hey everyone , check this out
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< travis-ci> georgedouzas/mlpack#6 (master - f24c075 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< rcurtin> zoq: jeffin143: let's make the 3.2.1 patch release include #2032, #2033, #2034, and #2029; all of those are really close to merged, probably in the next day or so
< rcurtin> (and if anything else from the 3.2.1 milestone gets in, great, if not, no need to wait)
< rcurtin> zoq: and yeah, it was through that issue I opened on the pypa repo a few years ago; we actually managed to get in touch with the owner of the 'mlpack' package and he said he'd be willing to give it up
< rcurtin> khizirsiddiqui97: sorry for the slow response; are you sure it was #1836? I'm not seeing my comment that you're referencing
< zoq> rcurtin: nice, no more confusion about the package name
< rcurtin> yeah, although now we have a new set of confusion which means we have to keep *both* the mlpack and mlpack3 pypi packages up to date, otherwise anyone who has installed mlpack3 will stop receiving updates :)
< zoq> rcurtin: Yep, let's include #2032, #2033, #2034 as well.
< zoq> True, haven't thought about that.
< rcurtin> jeffin143: nice, do you think you might try some of the mlpack string processing utilities to play with the codesearchnet challenge?
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< abernauer> rcurtin: I' am trouble shooting the cli util code and getting weird syntax errors and macro errors from included files.
< rcurtin> abernauer: I can try to take a look at the error trace; what have you tried to debug the issues?
< abernauer> I did some google searching. This is a new issue. I can run the code through gdb, I guess.
< rcurtin> if it doesn't compile, it doesn't seem like you can use gdb
< abernauer> The code seg faults due to an invalid memory reference.
< rcurtin> okay, but that's not "weird syntax errors and macro errors" then?
< abernauer> Well yeah. Some armadillo code is aborting the process. Though I doubt that is the main problem.
< abernauer> Oh I think it's an issue with the order the header files for R and the C++ headers.
< abernauer> rcurtin: Problem resolved.
< rcurtin> abernauer: great, sorry for the slow response from my end (I am in and out of meetings)
< abernauer> It's fine code compiles now. Still core dumps oddly in gdb. Openmp support is bizarre with R.
< rcurtin> if R doesn't support OpenMP, be sure to compile without -fopenmp
< abernauer> It does on Linux the flags are a bit unforgiving though. I think I just need to set an environment variable.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#8061 (master - ff4a033 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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