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< jeffin143> rcurtin : yes 1960 is ready , almost everything is ready , we just have to some benchmarking , and also some minor adjustments. So in short string processing utilities are ready :) , but I still think we should not merge it before lozhnikov does some testing and also we have to handle your comments on 1960
< jeffin143> What I was thinking , was we could release new version without string utilities , and then may be next time pack both GAN and string processing utilities and release a major update may be Mlpack 4 , since it would be a bigger boost since both GAN and string came in
< jeffin143> Mean while , I can slowly write some examples for string utilities , or can just build up on the bindings * , so that while releasing , we could just notify everyone
< jeffin143> The plan of blogs , Something as " WHAT'S NEW IN MLPACK " , and then just keep on pointing the major changes
< jeffin143> So I could we could wait for a month or two , and then release next big update ,
< jeffin143> Also , can I have some Mlpack stickers ? :)
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< jeffin143> Also , do mentors too get stickers and t shirts ?
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< zoq> jeffin143: Happy to send out stickers, just send an email with your physical mailing address to
< zoq> jeffin143: Yes we get a t-shirt as well :)
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< jeffin143> So may be you would have many of those , since mentoring from so long
< zoq> jeffin143: I can pretty much wear a GSoC shirt every day :)
< jeffin143> :) hahaha
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #444: ABORTED in 1 day 8 hr:
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< bharat> hello there.... i have just installed mlpack in my ubuntu how can i verify it whether it is installed or not, Can you please let me know?
< zoq> bharat
< zoq> You could run the pca executable: 'mlpack_pca -h' should give you some output.
< bharat> yes,i tried and i got the some output
< zoq> bharat: Sounds good, you can test the pca method on a simple dataset, to make sure it work correct.
< bharat> so you mean to say that is it installed correctly??
< zoq> I think so
< bharat> ok
< bharat> thnks
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< rcurtin> jeffin143: sounds good---I'll wait until lozhnikov responds. if we don't put it into 3.2.0 that's just fine
< rcurtin> at the same time, we can also merge it before 4.0.0 if we like; it's not a problem to include better string utilities then, and then when we do an mlpack 4 release we can still highlight the string functionality as "new features" :)
< jeffin143> Yeah sounds, good
< jeffin143> Going through some papers, to include new functionality for strings
< jeffin143> Lot's are there , some complex for me
< rcurtin> oh, definitely, there are tons of options of things to implement out there
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #445: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 28 min:
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< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: When are you planning on the release of mlpack 3.2? I have a piece of other work which I can choose to do either today or tomorrow, and I am also very excited to put my PRs in before release. So I was just wondering on planning out my schedule a bit :)
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< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: probably a little later this week; we need to get the rest of the test fix PRs merged
< sreenik[m]> Okay, thanks :)
< rcurtin> hope that helps. I haven't set any firm date or anything; I don't have a problem waiting a little longer
< rcurtin> but I also don't have a problem not waiting :)
< rcurtin> I created these two milestones:
< rcurtin> when stuff for the mlpack 3.2.0 milestone was all done, I was going to go ahead and release; so if you want to wait on your work just add it to that milestone :)
< rcurtin> (the "maybe" milestone, it would be great if it got in, but there's no particular reason to wait on it)
< sreenik[m]> Sounds good. It's cool to be organised I believe (I had chanced upon recently)
< rcurtin> yeah, I was trying to use the Github project board to manage the huge number of issues
< rcurtin> however, I haven't touched it in a while, and I never managed to get much automation going with it in the way I had hoped
< rcurtin> so I think I may delete the project and go back to my usual way of organizing the issues I care about (...a text file in vim :))
< sreenik[m]> Yeah, old school ways are my comfort zone too
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> I just updated my .screenrc the other day for the first time in a long time... and noticed that I had made most of the file in February of 2007 and had not changed my workflow...
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7960 (master - bb979c4 : Ryan Curtin): The build was canceled.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #68: ABORTED in 1 day 2 hr:
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7959 (master - 8230031 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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