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< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, strange---I opened to handle the failing tests before merge
< rcurtin> I think I can easily do the `RandomForestMainTest` ones tonight, but I'm not familiar enough with the RL code to approach `SimplePendulumTest` or `RewardClippedAcrobotWithDQN` well
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< ozmi> Hello mlpack developers, I have a quick question. I am compiling mlpack from source and also want to build the python bindings. When I configure with cmake it finds the python 2.7 interpreter but I want it to build bindings for python3.6, how do I instruct cmake to select python3.6 instead?
< ShikharJ> Hmm, seems like I got a mail saying our final evaluations are due in 36 hours, mentors please complete the evaluations of your student projects.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #442: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 20 min:
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< zoq> rcurtin: Will look into the RL issues.
< zoq> ozmi: In the cmake step you can specifiy the python executable: e.g. 'cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 ..'
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< ssk99> Hello there! I'm having a minor problem setting up mlpack and I was hoping you guys could help me figure it out
< zoq> ssk99: Hello, happy to help!
< ssk99> So, I built mlpack from source, but I cannot use it without setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
< ssk99> Only after exporting the variable will mlpack work, but I need to do this every time I boot up
< ssk99> I looked up ways to set it permanently, editing /etc/environment and /($HOME)/.profile
< ssk99> But neither seem to work. Any suggestions?
< zoq> ssk99: What shell do you use bash?
< ssk99> Yes, bash
< zoq> ssk99: So if you add export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:path/to/mlpack/lib/ to ~/.bashrc it should work.
< zoq> ssk99: You have to adjust the mlpack path.
< zoq> ssk99: It should also work if you install mlpack to a path that is already in the ld search path.
< ssk99> I installed it in the default location which is /usr/local/lib I believe
< ssk99> Let me try editing bashrc :)
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< ssk99> Thanks a lot zoq it worked :D
< zoq> ssk99: Great :)
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