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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker ensmallen nightly build build #29: ABORTED in 2 hr 30 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #472: FIXED in 2 hr 53 min:
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< khizirsiddiqui> Hey rcurtin ! In PR 1836: , just to be clear you suggest making evaluation metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and then rmse and mae to be implemented in similar fashion as the metrics (lmetric.hpp). This will require changing already existing code, I am planning to change params in Evaluate()
< khizirsiddiqui> function to mostly 2; y_predicted, y_actual. This should work right?
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< ssk99> rcurtin: I was looking at the move and copy assignment operators in rectangle_tree_impl that you added in #1934, I noticed that you haven't manipulated other.stat. Could you tell me if there was a reason for this?
< rcurtin> ssk99: I'm not sure why that is---other.stat should definitely be handled; so maybe that is a bug that should be fixed
< ssk99> Will do. :) Just wanted to confirm before I made a change
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< walragatver> rcurtin: zoq: I think we should release mlpack without any furthur delay. I think we should release it in this weakend. This is just a suggestion considering the installation issue. If a PR will be remaining to be merged we will make a short release soon.
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< rcurtin> walragatver: I think you're right. I'm not sure it's worth waiting on #1987 and #1493 anymore
< rcurtin> I'll do the release tonight unless those are immediately ready, and we can release 3.2.1 shortly afterwards
< zoq> sounds reasonable
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< jeffin143> hacktoberfest in few days :)
< jeffin143> Time to get some free swags
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< rcurtin> jeffin143: good point, I guess it is time for another free shirt :)
< zoq> jeffin143: Just got the registration email :)
< rcurtin> actually, I guess before I make the release, I can go ahead and merge the Julia bindings since they are approved... anyone opposed to me doing that?
< rcurtin> (I'm happy to wait if anyone wants to review it. it's not a huge deal either way)
< zoq> I think it's ready to get merged.
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< jeffin> rcurtin , zoq , how about some Mlpack t shirt :)
< zoq> jeffin: Yeah, would be great to have, it's one the list :)
jeffin is now known as jeffin143
< jeffin143> Would love to acquire one :)
< zoq> Same :) maybe I have some time over the next days to do some research in that direction.
< zoq> I guess, the question is do we just go with the logo?
< jeffin143> Some , good c++ quotes along with it would do good
< jeffin143> May be I am not the best person to ask for creative ideas :-p
< zoq> Maybe we should ask on the mailinglist for ideas.
< jeffin143> I like the idea which rcurtin follows , in his mail the footer will have some funny quotes or Something , :)
< jeffin143> May be for t shirt we can't have many because , it's difficult to print with those many and always , so may be a common would be
< jeffin143> Anyways will be better if we ask in mailing list
< rcurtin> zoq: jeffin143: yeah, we've talked about an mlpack t-shirt in the past but never did it; I think it would be great
< rcurtin> personally I like the idea a simple shirt with just the logo, but that's just me :)
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< rcurtin> actually, I thought about it, I won't merge the Julia bindings tonight because that won't leave enough time to see if there are any bugs that the CI checks didn't catch
< rcurtin> it seems too risky to merge and then immediately release :)
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