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< rcurtin> abernauer: sounds good, hopefully you can get it worked out with those tips
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #62: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 25 min:
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #223: FIXED in 59 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #428: STILL FAILING in 3 hr 34 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> * Ryan Curtin: Deploy all of gcc including stdlib on new versions.
< jenkins-mlpack2> * Ryan Curtin: Fix syntax?
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< sakshamB> ShikharJ: I am here
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Great, let's begin
< ShikharJ> Toshal: Are you here?
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: As far as I can tell, only spectral norm is pending some work? Or is that complete as well?
< sakshamB> ShikharJ yes it does require some more work. I am having some trouble with deriving the gradient.
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Okay, no worries there. Just mention it in the final report, we can later work out the gradient.
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: alright will do thanks :)
< sakshamB> ShikharJ is there anything else we need to discuss?
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Okay, it'll probably be our last meeting here. It was wonderful to have you as a part of mlpack. It was also a really enriching experience for me, guiding you. I hope you had a good time, and will continue our collaboration in the future.
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: I think we only had three PRs pending right now in your case, and two of them are complete, so I'm really happy with the work product you've provided.
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: Thanks a lot for your help throughout the summer and it was great contributing to mlpack. I hope to be active with the community after gsoc as well. :)
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Great, I think Toshal would not be able to join us, so I'll email him later I guess. Feel free to log off. Have a nice weekend :)
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: you too have a great weekend! :)
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< AndroUser> Can anyone help me how to use conditional using
AndroUser is now known as jeffin143
< jeffin143> Like
< jeffin143> If ( true ) using type = something; else using type = other ;
< jeffin143> I said later be able to use type, how to increase the scope
< jeffin143> Also i need to dynamic assign type to a variable something as
< jeffin143> If ( true ) int i ; else float i;
< jeffin143> And then later be able to use i
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: It doesn't work like that.
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: If you are going to use std::conditional then the condition should be defined at the compilation step, you can't use runtime dependent conditions.
< jeffin143> Umm, i wanted it to support charextract , and splitbyanyof , or else then i have to copy paste the code two times !
< lozhnikov> Probably you need boost::variant
< jeffin143> It looked too long so i thought this way i can reduce the lines but i will go with the brute force approach, i mean with increased length of code
< rcurtin> sakshamB: looking forward to reading the final report---I haven't had a chance to keep up very well all summer, but I think the work you've done has been pretty excellent :)
< jeffin143> Umm , i need to look at that , i haven't used it anywhere so i will check and will come back
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: Look at mlpack/methods/neighbor_search/ns_model.hpp
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: You need to implement something like the NSModel class.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #429: STILL FAILING in 3 hr 17 min:
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< jeffin143> lozhnikov : i wrote summary at Mlpack/gsocblog , let me know if any correction is needed
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: ok, I'll read it in the morning.
< jeffin143> Also about boost::variant , i still need some sample codes to understand it, the nsmodel class had lot of apply_visitor and static_visitor which i need to understand and hence I will add support for charsplit
< jeffin143> Once I am comfortable with the all the boost::variant
< jeffin143> I will take a look at some of the examples, and then try to implement it.
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: Try to read cppreference first.
< jeffin143> Ok , thanks for the link :)
< rcurtin> jeffin143: awesome, I'll take a look at it too when I have a second. the work that you and Mikhail have been doing is great; I'm really looking forward to using it in the future
< rcurtin> I think you are also lucky to have such a good mentor, I see lozhnikov in here all the time working tirelessly to help out :)
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