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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #395: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 49 min:
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< robertohueso> Hi everyone! :) I'm currently working on implementing the "Subspace Tree" from this paper
< robertohueso> So far I've been working on the implementation of this as a statistic that could work (at least) for KD-trees, but there's something in the paper that it's not very clear to me and if that's the case, it would probably require to implement a whole new tree data structure instead of just a statistic
< robertohueso> the problem is how many dimensions am I suposed to preserve on each level of the tree? From Figure 1 I can see they reduce 1 dimension per level in the tree. i.e. if a dataset has 20 dimensions, the tree's depth would be 20, is that right?
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< rcurtin> hey robertohueso, sorry that I have been a bit out of touch. this week I am at the Kart World Championship
< rcurtin> but I should have some downtime this afternoon to answer :)
< robertohueso> That must be fun! are you competing?
< robertohueso> :)
< rcurtin> yeah, I am competing. In the first two races I got a 2nd place and a 3rd place (in a bad kart; they draw karts randomly for each race) so I am very happy with how it is going so far
< zoq> rcurtin: Did you beat the German Team?
< rcurtin> of course not :(
< rcurtin> they are incredible! there is also a Dutch guy who is crazy fast and a Belgian
< rcurtin> they were telling me that they have several kart tracks only a few kms from their house... I am jealous :)
< zoq> rcurtin: Not sure about the US, but I think Motorsport in Germany has a huge fanbase.
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< rcurtin> yeah absolutely. there are fans in the US but it's generally NASCAR which is a very different style of racing
< rcurtin> Europeans love their motorsports :)
< zoq> soccer as well :)
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< gmanlan> rcurtin: you there?
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< rcurtin> gmanlan: maybe a little later tonight, still out for now