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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #220: FIXED in 50 min:
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7865 (master - bb7671f : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build passed.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #422: STILL UNSTABLE in 4 hr 9 min:
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7866 (master - a87cfe2 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< sakshamB> ShikharJ: I am here
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< sakshamB> Congrats jeffin! :)
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< favre49> I'm setting up ubuntu on my new laptop, does anyone have any experience keeping the OS on the SSD and the data on the HDD? Am I wrong thinking that I should keep the / directory on the ssd and the /home directory on my HDD?
< favre49> haven't found anything online that has made me sure of how to do this
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< favre49> Also, I have a 128 GB SSD, so I'm not even sure it's wise to do this considering I'm dual booting. Any advice is appreciated :)
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< abernauer> favre49: I might be able to help installed Ubuntu on a fresh ssd on my laptop earlier this summer.
< rcurtin> favre49: yeah, / on the SSD is a good call, it will help make loading programs quicker
< rcurtin> I'm not sure of how the Ubuntu partitioner works (maybe abernauer has a better idea since he just did it) but you'd have to specify different partitions for / and /home
< rcurtin> it's pretty straightforward with the debian installer, but I am not sure for Ubuntu; maybe it's the same? not sure :)
< abernauer> You just need to be careful about how your file system is mounted which Ryan just mentioned. Also the partition format is important. rcurtin: I have a phone interview later this week Leo Burnett.
< rcurtin> abernauer: awesome, very cool! good luck :)
< rcurtin> (I have to step out for lunch, back later)
< abernauer> Thanks! Enjoy your lunch.
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< jeffin143> Lozhnikov : did you mean this by source file..???
< jeffin143> Or separate the implementation from header file and don't include CPP file..???
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: I meant the implementation should be in a .cpp file and the definition should be in a .hpp file.
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< jeffin143> Then can I write include "impl.cpp" in the header file
< jeffin143> Since you commented we should not include CPP file
< jeffin143> So I should include hpp file and in hpp file I should include CPP file..???
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: No, there is no need to include .cpp files.
< jeffin143> Ok
< jeffin143> So how will the compiler understand the definition is in CPP file ..???
< jeffin143> I mean I will include the head file in both the main method and the .CPP file
< lozhnikov> The definition isn't in the .cpp file. It's in the .hpp file.
< lozhnikov> "I mean I will include the head file in both" Could you elaborate a bit?
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< Shikharj76> sakshamB: I should apologize for missing the meet, I never woke up on time, probably had a deep sleep. Anyways, I think you already have an idea regarding our goals this week. Is there anything you're stuck with?
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< zoq> favre49: New laptop nice, did you go with a DELL/HP/etc.?
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< favre49> zoq I bought a Lenovo Legion Y530, since it was on offer and seemed good enough for my purposes
< favre49> A lot of the laptops in my budget range were budget gaming laptops, which are usually annoyingly heavy, and this is pretty light in comparison
< favre49> rcurtin: abernauer: Thanks for the help :)
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< zoq> favre49: Nice, I guess if this is a gaming laptop it comes with a dedicated gpu?
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< sreenik[m]> akhandait: Hey. Sorry I missed your text. Actually I miss it sometimes because I use riot as an IRC client and I have to close the application often prior to compiling code due to RAM issues
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< favre49> zoq Yup, a GTX 1050
< sreenik[m]> I have a lot of things lined up to be pushed but I have made a mess of my forked repo, zoq I might need a bit of help there if you are free
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< zoq> favre49: Not bad.
< zoq> sreenik[m]: Sure, I guess in your case I would probably create a new fork, create a feature branch, cherry pick the commits from the old fork into the feature branch and open a new PR.
< sreenik[m]> Okay, that sounds reasonable. Accidentally I tried rebasing it once without keeping in mind the softmax implementation I had written. It got deleted but I hope I'd be able to recover it from the previous PR
< zoq> sreenik[m]: Everything is still on github.
< sreenik[m]> Yes :)
< zoq> sreenik[m]: I have a local copy as well :)
< sreenik[m]> zoq: When I try to fork it, it says that I already have a forked repo. So I guess I'll have to remove that and re-fork it?
< sreenik[m]> Wow that's cool if you have a local copy too!
< zoq> sreenik[m]: Yeah, might be a good idea to make a copy first :)
< sreenik[m]> Agreed, I'll proceed straightaway :)
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< sreenik[m]> Yeah I pushed some changes after re-forking. More are in queue. Thanks :)
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