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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #419: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 24 min:
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< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Toshal: Are you guys there?
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: yes I am here
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Great, let's begin. How's Spectral Norm coming up? Do you think you'd be able to wrap it up by next week?
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: currently I am working only on spectral norm as a wrapper for linear layer. I haven’t been able to generalize it as a wrapper for convolutional layer.
< sakshamB> ShikharJ they have different classes of spectral norm for different layers
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: I think I will be able to finish it over the weekend
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Okay, cool no pressure. I think rest of your work is only pending review.
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Toshal just cleared up the layer limit issue, so we're full steam ahead for merging your work.
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: yes I think we could merge it soon after review
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Please update those PRs as soon as you can.
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: I have already done that
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Perfect. Is there something you need help with from my side?
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: no nothing right now :)
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: I'm glad we could get the work done over the summer. I'm anticipating a full release, as soon as your and Toshal's work gets merged in :)
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< sakshamB> ShikharJ: yes that would be great! Thanks for your constant reviews and time. :)
< ShikharJ> sakshamB: Alright, let's wrap this up. I'll see you on Monday then. Have a nice weekend :) I'll be off for now.
< sakshamB> ShikharJ: alright have a great weekend!
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< mlutra> Hello. After reviewing the mlpack doc and some threads on github, I didn't find a way to obtain the performance value of each training epoch from the optimized when training a FNN. It would be nice if someone could help me with this. Thanks in advance and thank you for the work on this great library.
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< rcurtin> multra: I don't have the best solution for you today, but I can say that we are about to add callbacks to the ensmallen optimization library, and then we will be able to easily add this support to mlpack's FFN code
< rcurtin> however, if you want to get the performance value at each epoch, currently the best way is a little bit clunky but it should work:
< rcurtin> when you call FFN::Train(), pass a custom optimizer that you have configured to only perform one epoch of training
< rcurtin> then, manually compute the error measure and print it
< rcurtin> you can do this in a for loop for the number of epochs you are hoping to perform total; each time you call Train(), it should not reset the parameters, so the net result is the same
< rcurtin> there's an example of the idea. like I said, it's just a little clunky, but it will get better soon :)
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< mlutra> Thank you very much for your quick answer, rcurtin. I will try that. BTW, do you have plan to add Levenberg-Marquart method to ensmallen?
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< jeffin143> rcurtin : is there any way to find the type of values store in arma::mat ?
< jeffin143> Suppose I want to declare a map with key as type of value store in arma::mat so how should I do that
< jeffin143> Something as map<typeof(arma::mat), size_t> name
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< lozhnikov> jeffin143: arma::mat is an alias for arma::Mat<double>. So, it always stores doubles.
< sreenik[m]> zoq: I don't seem to be able to figure out what the variables inputParameter and outputParameter do. They are present in most ANN layers, but could you let me know its exact purpose?
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: I think each armadillo structure has the following typedef: typedef eT elem_type.
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #218: STILL UNSTABLE in 50 min:
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: If the type of the matrix is a template parameter e.g. MatType then you could write typename MatType::elem_type
< jeffin143> Yes just found out that
< jeffin143> lozhnikov , yeh that was what I was looking for
< jeffin143> elem_type, thanks :) once again
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: I think it's not safe to use floating point values as the key due to various machine precision issues.
< jeffin143> Um , then what should I do..???
< lozhnikov> Probably it's better to find another way.
< jeffin143> Ok I will find a way* out
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< zoq> sreenik[m]: They store intermediate results, like the output activation.
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< zoq> mlutra2: Its on my list of optimizers I like to implement but it's not a priority.
< rcurtin> zoq: someone sent me a link to RAdam today, maybe that's interesting too. there is a FastAI blog post about it but honestly the blog post is of fairly low quality
< rcurtin> next time someone asks what they can write for ensmallen I'll have an idea though :)
< rcurtin> in my company we are doing a lot of work that focuses on proximal gradient algorithms, which could be another interesting way to handle constraints
< rcurtin> just something to think about though :)
< jeffin143> lozhnikov : you were correct of handling floating point , but if we used lower_bound search instead of find..??? Would it be ok
< jeffin143> It was for one hot encoding*
< jeffin143> If the labels are 1 , 1.5 , 2 , 2.5 then to support it we need to map it something
< jeffin143> Different values*
< zoq> rcurtin: Will take a look at the blogpost.
< rcurtin> zoq: the paper could be just fine (I only skimmed it) but I thought the blog post... needed some more clarity and correctness :)
< zoq> rcurtin: The medium post?
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: I think there are some cases when lower_bound() doesn't work very well. However you can call lower_bound(X - eps) in order to find X. This should work provided that you choose eps properly.
< jeffin143> Or may be I can write a function for comparator for map..??? Where I do x-eps
< jeffin143> Or x-key < eps..???
< rcurtin> zoq: yeah, I think that was it
< zoq> jeffin143: New picture, nice.
< jeffin143> :) thanks zoq
< jeffin143> Also I got placed in nutanix :) banglore india
< jeffin143> I will be joining them from January first week
< zoq> jeffin143: Congratulations!
< rcurtin> jeffin143: congratulations!
< rcurtin> :)
< jeffin143> :) Thanks
< rcurtin> I know Nutanix is a cloud infrastructure company but every time I hear the name I think that it must be something one spreads on toast...
< jeffin143> Haha :)
< zoq> :)
< rcurtin> I guess I am mixing it up with Nutella
< sreenik[m]> zoq: Oh, thanks.
< jeffin143> rcurtin : wasn't there any video conference planned..??
< rcurtin> jeffin143: I'd like to but I just haven't had the time to catch up and schedule it
< rcurtin> I wanted to come up with a list of things to address before a release first
< jeffin143> Ohh , no issues. I thought it was planned and missed the schedule, so just queried :)
< rcurtin> yeah, dont' worry, I'll send an email to the mlpack list and mention it here
< rcurtin> I hope to have a chance to get this figured out this weekend, but there is some family in town so they will take first priority :)
< jeffin143> May be After gsoc , we could finally release with all the work may be
< jeffin143> lozhnikov : sklearn has something know as CountVectorizer , should I implement it in Mlpack as encoding type..???
< jeffin143> Encoding ploicy*
< jeffin143> Policy*
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: I didn't look at the bindings yet. But I think it's better to spend the last week on the existing PRs.
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: Perhaps a comparator could work. It depends on the comparator.
< lozhnikov> I didn't hear about Nutanix. But, congratulations!
< jeffin143> :) thanks and yeah I will spend last week clearing up the existing PR's
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: Regarding floating point values as the key: I think lower_bound(X - eps) is the most reasonable way. However, it has its own disadvantages.
< lozhnikov> For example eps depends on the data. You can't use a static value.
< lozhnikov> I still think it's better to avoid FP keys.
< jeffin143> Ok , then we should avoid one hot encoding for double datatypes
< jeffin143> And only allow int "
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: Could you point out the exact place where you want to introduce the map?
< jeffin143> This was buggy , since it is already merged ,. I only noticed after you told me that
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: I'll look into it.
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: I don't see a quick solution. I need to think a bit.
< jeffin143> Sure , even I will think over it , may be we can come up with a solution tomorrow.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #219: STILL UNSTABLE in 50 min: