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< ShikharJ> Toshal: Please re-use the commits from the Label Smoothing branch, if it's urgent. I'll provide a review as soon as I can.
< ShikharJ> Toshal: You can work on the template code for the LSGANs, I think. Label Smoothing would require serialization, which I'm scouring through right now. Hopefully it'll be done soon.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #401: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 53 min:
< jenkins-mlpack2> Marcus Edel: Update to XML version 2 (cppcheck).
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< gotadachi> Hello, I'm trying to python quickstart: Simple mlpack quickstart example.
< gotadachi> but is 404 Not Found on Load the dataset from an online URL.
< gotadachi> That is gone by any reason? should I get this from other locations?
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< zoq> gotadachi: Thanks for the information, I can see that the datasets have been moved:
< zoq> gotadachi: Not sure wht the new location is, Ryan might have an idea.
< zoq> gotadachi: should contain the dataset you are searching for, but if you can wait some more time, there might be an option to only load the dataset you need.
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< gotadachi> zoq: Thank you for the helpful information. I'll try later.
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< gotadachi> (take a bit more time to download
< zoq> gotadachi: Right, also needs more space.
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< gotadachi> zoq: OK. I got the dataset. tutorial was run ideally.
< rcurtin> ah, why isn't it there? that's strange
< gotadachi> zoq: Thank you so much!
< rcurtin> the build process must not be right. let me work on that, but for now I re-unpacked everything into
< rcurtin> gotadachi: thanks for the report... I would not have noticed this otherwise
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< sakshamB> Toshal: need them for computation
< xiaohong> zoq: Hi, is there any solution that my model outputs two dimension for construct GaussianDistribution.
< xiaohong> But I use the GaussianDistribution to compute loss with one dimension, and then backward?
< xiaohong> It seems that the dimension is not compatiable.
< zoq> xiaohong: With the GaussianDistribution., I don't think you can do that, you would have to write your own.
< xiaohong> Okay, I see.
< xiaohong> Are the our GaussianDistribution definition the same with tensorflow?
< xiaohong> It seems that our GaussianDistribution accepts the mean and covariance as parameters.
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< zoq> xiaohong: Similair, if you write your own, you can do what tf does.
< xiaohong> zoq: Thank you~ I got it.
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< abhikanaserocks> Hi !!
< rcurtin> abhikanaserocks: hi there!
< abhikanaserocks> I am Abhijeet Kanase,
< abhikanaserocks> If you could guide me through the process that how to contribute and how did you prepare for getting mlpack would be really helpful for me!!!
< rcurtin> nice to meet you---we have a page that could be helpful for this
< abhikanaserocks> I dont know to contribute to OSS and I haven't used GIT/Linux as well
< rcurtin> in this case, you might consider taking a look at other online guides and searching for some more basic guides and tutorials
< rcurtin> unfortunately I don't have any handy for you, but a search should find some :)
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< abernauer> rcurtin: Is updated or more robust documentation on CMake, specifically on the github wiki an area of need?
< rcurtin> abernauer: that's always an area of need :) if you see something incorrect we should definitely change it
< abernauer> Brought it up because, while you were on vacation, I picked up an ebook by the CMake co-project maintainer.
< abernauer> Took notes and plan on taking more has decent examples, for more complicated projects and gets into the details more. Even a chapter on using openmp.