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< Toshal> sakshamB: Can you just elaborate why you need dimension of weights? I am asking this because it would be somewhat difficult to get dimension of weights in the layers which have a network/Model() in it. This is because their non-bias wieghts would not be continous. So that's why getting it's dimension would be slightly difficult. Just let me know what you think
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #202: UNSTABLE in 47 min:
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7572 (master - 324d196 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build was broken.
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< sakshamB> Toshal:
< sakshamB> in layers that have Model() I believe the bias weights would also not be continuous?
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #390: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 53 min:
< Toshal> Yes you are correct. That's why I am adding a visitor for bias not for it's dimensions.
< Toshal> SakshamB: please read the above message
< sakshamB> Toshal: I am not sure if I understand. But the visitor that you are implementing would it also work for the layers that have a network/Model()?
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< favre49> zoq: unfortunately, I've come down with something once again. I'll try to do as much work as I can, I should be back in full action in a couple days or so
< favre49> I think I ate something I shouldn't have :/ I think I'll still be able to finish NEAT before the second coding period ends though
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< rcurtin> favre49: sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon :(
< zoq> favre49: No worries, hopefully, you feel better soon; the current NEAT state looks pretty good, so I don't think we have to worry about the schedule.
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< Toshal> SakshamB: Yes may be I am not sure of it. But I think I can. I am not sure that my visitor would give you the dimensions.
< sakshamB> Toshal: Also I am not sure how getting the bias would help to normalize the weight without bias.
< Toshal> sakshamB: Okay fine let me just finish working on it. Then let's have a discussion regarding it's pros and cons.
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< Toshal> I will open a PR soon.
< sakshamB> Toshal: maybe you’d want to have that discussion before doing the work.
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< Toshal> No it's fine. Let's jusr work. If I face any difficulty then we will discuss.
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