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< Yashwants19> Hi zoq: Can we take multiple input model(DecisionTree<>,SoftmaxRegression,etc) from a single PARAM_MODEL_IN()
< Yashwants19> In CLI bindings.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #371: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 31 min:
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< jeffin143> rcurtin , zoq : - PTAL
< jeffin143> Today Working at a new PC and don't know what the issue is
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< lozhnikov> jeffin143: Looks like you didn't install armadillo.
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< akhandait> sreenik[m]: Let's talk at 11 tonight if that's okay with you.
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< jeffin143> lozhnikov : yes i didn't, but didn't we have prospect that if not found, it would automatically download ensamllen/armadillo, because i am not sure that i installed armadillo on my old pc too ! :)
< zoq> Yashwants19: Are you talking about models that are stored as a file? In which case you could use PARAM_VECTOR_IN(string, ...)
< zoq> jeffin143: ensmallen is downloaded if not available, since it's header only this is easy; but for armadillo there is no such feature.
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< sreenik[m]> akhandait: Ok will be fine
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< Yashwants19> Hi zoq: Yes i m talking about pre trained model that are saved in .bin or .xml files but different models.
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< zoq> Yashwants19: So the input is a string (path/filename), in this case you could use VECtOR_IN as mentioned above.
< zoq> Yashwants19: If you like I could provide a simple example.
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< akhandait> sreenik[m]: You there?
< sreenik[m]> Yes
< akhandait> So, are you well now?
< sreenik[m]> Yes, absolutely
< akhandait> That's great, did you read the evaluation message?
< sreenik[m]> Yes, I have read that
< akhandait> Nice
< sreenik[m]> Thank you for putting your thoughts. I will give it some practice for a couple of days this week
< akhandait> Sure, I think once you get a little comfortable with structure and testing, it should be a mostly smooth ride
< sreenik[m]> Yes, I hope so
< akhandait> So, now, did you make any more commits to your translator repo?
< sreenik[m]> No, but there has been certain work after the last commit. I will commit once after this chat
< akhandait> Okay
< akhandait> In the Examples/ directory, the xml files are empty right now.
< akhandait> Can you commit some examples with the linear layers you created?
< sreenik[m]> Yes, that's somewhat the proposed structure
< sreenik[m]> Yes, I will commit those
< sreenik[m]> But there is an issue I am facing with the convolution layers
< akhandait> Okay, tomorrow, I will spend some time on it and give some detailed feedback. If you have made some progress, it will be good if you can commit whatever you can tonight
< akhandait> What is it?
< sreenik[m]> Onnx is not too ideal. It does awkward conversions. I will upload a jupyter notebook. You can get the structure of the network from there and you will alos understand what I am talking about
< akhandait> Hmm, okay
< sreenik[m]> We can then discuss that after tomorrow night when you have gone through it
< akhandait> Sure
< akhandait> About the problem with some onnx layers having extra parameters
< akhandait> I think as long as we don't remove any existing parameters from the corresponding layers in mlpack and give proper defaults for whatever parameters we add, we should be fine.
< akhandait> So, I think we can go ahead and add those extra params
< sreenik[m]> Okay
< akhandait> So, according to the list in the readme, they are: Batchnorm, Maxpool, Convolution and selu
< sreenik[m]> Yes
< akhandait> Have you checked how much these parameters change the layers mathematically
< sreenik[m]> Not really
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< akhandait> Can you check that formulae for these 4 layers by tomorrow night?
< akhandait> both in onnx and mlpack, and check how much we would have to add?
< sreenik[m]> Okay I'll try and check them
< akhandait> About softmax, that's a very common layer and we would need some conversion from onnx softmax to mlpack
< akhandait> Did we decide something about this the last time we discussed softmax?
< sreenik[m]> Yes, that won't be much of an issue as we have logsoftmax. The gradient mainly needs to be changed
< sreenik[m]> Yes we decided to add a new layer probably
< akhandait> Okay
< akhandait> So, let's meet again tomorrow night and decide for a good plan for the next week. By then, I will check and try the samples in the repo
< sreenik[m]> Nice idea. We'll meet tomorrow then
< sreenik[m]> I will keep the repo updated in the mean time
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< travis-ci> georgedouzas/mlpack#2 (master - 5fcbe45 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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