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< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: don't forget to write the weekly blog posts :)
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< abernauer> rcurtin: I might have a found the solution to the issue with mlpackMain() not being callable in an R session.
< abernauer> rcurtin: Need to register the routines or compiled code in a C array that defines the methods, symbols and reference to the function call.
< abernauer> I will implement that in the morning and let you know you how it goes. Should cooperate well with generated code according to the article I read .
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< favre49> rcurtin zoq since I last ran a make install, I ran a sudo apt-get upgrade and installed go, that's about it
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #382: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 51 min:
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< zoq> favre49: hm, so what we have commented is the bfd part, not sure if that lib was installed in the process.
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< Abhi83> Hi.
< Abhi83> I am getting a make error while compiling ml_pack.
< Abhi83> Can anyone help me please.
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< favre49> Abhi83 I could try
< Abhi83> Thank u
< Abhi83> if fails are 92 %.
< Abhi83> The first error is /usr/include/limits.h:26:10: fatal error: bits/libc-header-start.h: No such file or directory
< Abhi83> I ran the command make -j4
< favre49> Could you run this command : find /usr -name libc-header-start.h
< Abhi83> ok
< Abhi83> I get the following output
< Abhi83> bash: /usr: Is a directory
< Abhi83> sorry wait a minute
< Abhi83> ok i am trying ur fix
< favre49> Take a look at the update in the answer, I think that's more related to the issue than the accepted answer.
< Abhi83> ok
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< Abhi83> It moved firther but it got stuck at lloc.h:34:16: error: declaration of 'int posix_memalign(void**, size_t, size_t)' has a different exception specifier extern "C" int posix_memalign (void **, size_t, size_t);
< Abhi83> favre49 should I do sudo apt-get install libx11-dev:i386 libx11-dev
< favre49> That shouldn't be needed
< favre49> I think you mean malloc.h?
< favre49> I'm not entirely sure what that error is though, I'll get back to you if i can find out, or someone else could help in some time
< Abhi83> ok.Thanks
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< Abhi83> can anyone help me with the issue.
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< favre49> zoq I'm back at home now, so I can work properly. I checked, and since all the changes were made, NEAT can solve the CartPole environment in a couple generations
< favre49> Oddly, for the python version, the output that I'm getting is very odd - the agents are always giving the same action. I'll look into it more now
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< zoq> favre49: Okay, did you see my comment about the random state at the first iteration?
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< favre49> zoq Yup, i fixed that, I think i committed it too. I also got the python version to work, I'll show you the video shortly
< favre49> Should be up soon, I just ran the simulation
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< zoq> favre49: Hm, I think I crashed the service yesterday, will take a look into the issue later.
< zoq> favre49: Not sure I can see the change, I was talking about:
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< jeffin143> any comments ?
< lozhnikov> jeffin143: Thanks for the reminder. I didn't see the commit.
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< favre49> zoq My bad, i made the changes locally but I didn't commit. I'll commit it now.
< favre49> I think the final tests we should use are the non-Markovian double pole balancing (when we fix it), XOR test, and some test for phased searching (I'll implement this next). What do you think?
< favre49> If you're fine with that I'll polish the test suite as well and remove whatever isn't needed anymore
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< Abhi83> Hi. I have query regrading the building of mlpack from source. Can anyone help me ?
< Abhi83> cmake ../ gives the following output.
< Abhi83> -- cotire 1.7.10 loaded.-- Armadillo libraries: /usr/lib/ Boost version: 1.69.0-- Found the following Boost libraries:-- program_options-- unit_test_framework-- serialization-- Not building Markdown bindings.-- Found Python: /home/abhishek/anaconda3/bin/python-- Configuring done-- Generating done-- Build files have been writt
< Abhi83> en to: /home/abhishek/Documents/mlpack-3.1.1/build
< Abhi83> Is it fine ?
< Abhi83> This also .CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:517 (message): txt2man not found; man pages will not be generated.
< favre49> Yup, this is the expected output
< Abhi83> The complete output is this.
< Abhi83> -- cotire 1.7.10 loaded.-- Armadillo libraries: /usr/lib/ Boost version: 1.69.0-- Found the following Boost libraries:-- program_options-- unit_test_framework-- serializationCMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:517 (message): txt2man not found; man pages will not be generated.-- Not building Markdown bindings.-- Found Python: /ho
< Abhi83> me/abhishek/anaconda3/bin/python-- Configuring done-- Generating done-- Build files have been written to: /home/abhishek/Documents/mlpack-3.1.1/build
< Abhi83> Is it OK ?
< favre49> Yes that's fine
< favre49> Now you can run make
< Abhi83> Thanks
< Abhi83> My make seems to have a problem that's why I was worried.
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< Abhi83> It shows an error after 92 % and then stops.
< favre49> Is this the same malloc error as last time?
< Abhi83> No it's different .
< Abhi83> It's this
< Abhi83> error: declaration of 'int posix_memalign(void**, size_t, size_t)' has a different exception specifier extern "C" int posix_memalign (void **, size_t, size_t)
< favre49> I'm not familiar enough with the build system to help you with something like this, I'd suggest waiting for rcurtin or zoq to reply
< zoq> favre49: Agreed, let's polish the tests.
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< travis-ci> robertohueso/mlpack#30 (mc_kde_error_bounds - 432da7b : Roberto Hueso Gomez): The build is still failing.
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< Abhi83> here is the make -j4 result
< Abhi83> It seems to be a problem in mm_malloc.h file
< Abhi83> Can anyone help me with this.
< zoq> Abhi83: I think for now, you could deactive the python bindings: cmake -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF; that should solve the issue.
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< Abhi83> OK I will try that
< Abhi83> cmake -D BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF ../ is this fine ?
< abernauer> Abhi83: that looks fine. That's the configuration phase btw. Running make actually builds the library and executables.
< abernauer> rcurtin: Update the R session shows the DLL or .so available on the file path, but refuses to load it in the session.
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< abernauer> rcurtin: I added the required code to register methods to the R session. Also I updated the functional interface in the pca_binding.R file. Then pushed all that code.
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< zoq> Abhi83: Plus whatever you used before.
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< Abhi83> thanks @zoq and rcurtin.
< Abhi83> I am able to install mlpack by setting Python bindings OFF.
< Abhi83> I am really excited to contribute to mlpack in the coming future.
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< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: thanks, enjoyed reading about how things were going (and especially the last sentence) :)
< sreenik[m]> Hey, what is wrong with the gsoc blog page? It is showing a 403 error
< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: Thanks :)
< sreenik[m]> Umm there was some problem from my side, it is showing alright now :)
< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: yeah, it takes a minute to rebuild. actually I just read it from the git commit email ;)
< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: Ohh
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< zoq> Yeah, really nice updates everyone.
< zoq> Abhi83: Great that you got it working.
< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: forgot to say (should have said it first), hope you are feeling better too :)
< zoq> right, hope you are feeling better as well
< sreenik[m]> Yes I am absolutely fine now, thanks :)
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< rcurtin> :)
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< travis-ci> robertohueso/mlpack#31 (mc_kde_error_bounds - 253332a : Roberto Hueso Gomez): The build is still failing.
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< robertohueso> Hi everyone :) Does anyone know if is it true that mlpack trees only evaluate a ruleset's base case when the traversal has scored leaf nodes?
< rcurtin> robertohueso: hi there :)
< rcurtin> it depends on the traversal, and whether the tree holds points in only the leaves
< rcurtin> so, for the kd tree, the base case is only called when both the query and reference points are leaves
< rcurtin> but for, e.g., cover trees, they hold one point per node (even in intermediate nodes), so before recursing, they will call the base case between the point held in the query node and the point held in the reference node
< rcurtin> I think I can guess how you came to this question :)
< rcurtin> for cover trees there's one other tricky bit, which is that a cover tree node will have a "self-child", which holds the same point
< rcurtin> the cover tree traversal will be careful to not compute the base case twice (and NumDescendants() will not count the self-child point multiple times),
< rcurtin> but the implementation of Score() may need to be aware of this
< rcurtin> I hadn't thought about the ramifications of this for KDE and Monte Carlo sampling... I'll spend some time this evening thinking about it and let you know what I think
< rcurtin> (maybe it doesn't make things hard. I'm not sure yet...)
< rcurtin> (I've only thought about it for about two minutes so far :))