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< favre49> zoq I'm back, setting up took far longer than expected
< favre49> zoq I'm back, setting up took far longer than expected
< favre49> I'll start addressing comments
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #205: FIXED in 49 min:
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#7648 (master - 0f33324 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #403: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 25 min:
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< xiaohong> Hi, is anybody knows why when using the class in the ann/dists folder?
< xiaohong> I using ann::BernoulliDistribution, the compiler outputs that no type named 'BernoulliDistribution' in namespace 'mlpack::ann';
< xiaohong> did I use the wrong namespace?
< sreenik[m]> I checked and it worked for me (I didn't compile but it was there in suggestions). Did you forget to include it?
< xiaohong> Yes, I include the header file.
< xiaohong> I add new class in those folder, I want to use it. But in the same situation with BernoulliDistribution.
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< sreenik[m]> Let's see if anyone else can debug this or come up with a solution other than rebuilding. For the time being you can include it separately (i.e., with the -I tag) while compiling if you haven't already tried that
< rcurtin> xiaohong: yeah, not all of the layers may be included by ann/layer.hpp; you may need to include the BernoulliDistribution file manually
< xiaohong> rcurtin: Do you mean include BernoulliDistribution.hpp in the file which I use the BernoulliDistribution?
< rcurtin> yeah
< rcurtin> just #include <mlpack/methods/ann/dists/bernoulli_distribution.hpp> I think should do it
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< Yashwants19> Hi xiaohong: Are you using ann::BernoulliDistribution<>..??
< xiaohong> Actually, I am using the distribution I write by my own.
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< xiaohong> But I using ann::NormalDistribution, the compiler can not find the NormalDistribution under ann namespace even though I include the head file.
< xiaohong> So I using ann::BernoulliDistribution as a test to see what's going on.
< xiaohong> The new distribution file in under the ann/dists/ folder.
< rcurtin> xiaohong: hmm, did you add the file to the SOURCES list in dists/CMakeLists.txt?
< xiaohong> Yes, I add it into the ann/dists/CmakeLists.txt.
< rcurtin> hm, ok, I see; the next guess I have is the header guard
< rcurtin> is it possible two files are defining, e.g., MLPACK_METHODS_ANN_DISTRIBUTIONS_BERNOULLI_DISTRIBUTION_HPP?
< rcurtin> (or some other name)
< xiaohong> rcurtin: Oh, I make clean the remake, it seems that I can use the BERNOULLI_DISTRIBUTION correctly.
< rcurtin> xiaohong: ah, ok. yeah, sometimes there are strange issues that get resolved with a 'make clean'... that probably means there is a bug in our CMake configuration somewhere but they are really hard and tedious to track down...
< xiaohong> Okay, it seems that I need to try more different ways. There has some bugs in my normal_distribution implementation, I need to fix it now.
< xiaohong> Thank you, all guys.
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< rcurtin> sure, happy to help :)
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< abernauer> rcurtin: Have you encountered issues with accessing memory addresses when handwriting bindings for other languages?
< abernauer> There is the appropriate C code to call the C++ code in R. Problem I' am encountering is with getting a reference to an overloaded function. Which is necessary to have an entry point into the C++ from R.
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