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< rajiv_> I submitted a proposal yesterday night to mlpack via the proposals portal of GSoC. Is there a way to know if the proposal has been reviewed? Will I get a notification?
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< Prabhat-IIT> zoq: I had run the test of SAGA optimizer many times before the pr. The travis also passing the test but now when I'm locally running it the test won't pass. I thought since I've introduced some changes due to which tests are failing but even after moving the HEAD to the original commit when tests were passing didn't solved it
< Prabhat-IIT> Do you have any idea regarding this?
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< SuRyA> Hi. I've been busy with exams and everything, so I'm running a little late. I'm interested in the deep learning modules and need your input on which architecture to choose based on your requirements. I need to go through the literature and prepare the implementation
< SuRyA> I've already used ml pack been through your source code
< SuRyA> Didn't get time for PRs maybe I'll try sometime
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< zoq> Prabhat-IIT: I'll take a look at the PR once I get a chance.
< Erotokritos> Hello! I'm really interested in your project but I really have a hard time building on Windows can anyone help please?
< zoq> Erotokritos: Hello, have you seen:
< zoq> Erotokritos: On the other hand, I might be able to provide an updated version based on conda over the next days; which I think is easier.
< Erotokritos> Yeah , I tried that but cmake doesn't find boost libraries , then I moved them under Program Files and it found them but wouldn't recognize the version
< Erotokritos> The message said I have version 0.0.0
< zoq> hm, can you test an older version?
< SuRyA> Is the boost folder in path?
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< Erotokritos> I tried with latest version and with the code directly from master branch but sure I can try with a different one as well
< Erotokritos> You mean in the cmake command path?
< zoq> Erotokritos: I was talking about an older boost version.
< zoq> rajiv_: I think you get a notification if someone makes comments, but please be patient, the review process is timeconsuming.
< Erotokritos> Oh sure I'll try that thanks
< zoq> SuRyA: Hello, honestly go with the methods you find the most interesting.
< s1998_> zoq: Is it okay to discus API now ?
< s1998_> Specifically for RBFN I was planning on this API.
< zoq> s1998_:I'll comment on the gist.
< s1998_> okay :)
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< yashsharan> Hello everyone I'm interested in the GSoC idea of Reinforcement learning.Since there are no open issues regarding this ,how should i contribute to make my proposal strong regarding this idea?Thanks
< zoq> yashsharan: Hello, there are multiple options; write an example something like:; improve/extend an existing method; write another test environment
< zoq> Prabhat-IIT: If this pops up in the dashboard, I'll take a look at the application once I get a chance.
< yashsharan> ok thanks.And does the example should be related to reinforcement learning only or some other neural network topics like CNN can be written?
< zoq> If you are interested in the rl project idea, it should be related.
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< yashsharan> ohh i see.So maybe I can pickup a topic like policy gradient which is not mentioned in the idea and try to make a model regarding that topic?
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< zoq> sounds good
< bhuwnesh> Hello
< bhuwnesh> I found that the field of Self-organizing maps is left untouched. Can I choose that field as a project for GSoC?
< yashsharan> ok.I will start working on the idea right away.Thank you.
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< Prabhat-IIT> zoq: Thanks :) but I don't know what it means by ' popping in dashboard' :sweat_smile:
< rcurtin> bhuwnesh: you are welcome to put together a proposal but I am not sure anyone will be interested in mentoring that unfortunately
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< manish7294> Prabhat-IIT: I think @zoq is probably referring to the draft you have shared or will be sharing with mlpack via gsoc dashboard :)
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< travis-ci> BanzaiMan/mlpack#1 (master - 7dd5d95 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< rcurtin> zoq: looks like everything is good now, the authors are correctly displayed on the built doxygen docs:
< rcurtin> also I am a little confused why BanzaiMan from travis-ci is building packages
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< sourabhvarshney1> @zoq @Iozhinkov I saw the GSoC ideas page of mlpack and found deep learning methods interesting
< sourabhvarshney1> I want to work on RBFN and BRN
< sourabhvarshney1> I think Shikhar is working on the other ones
< sourabhvarshney1> @zoq @Iozhinkov Any Suggestions
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< travis-ci> BanzaiMan/mlpack#2 (master - 7dd5d95 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< zoq> rcurtin: agreed, looks great
< zoq> rcurtin: About travis-ci I think if you clone the repo and also setup a travis account with the setting build all my repos, you end up in this situation
< zoq> we could ask him, to disable the notification
< rcurtin> nah, I don't mind, I think maybe he is testing something or something like this
< rcurtin> I wonder if he is trying to reproduce the xenial issues, but the travis configuration isn't right for that
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< Prabhat-IIT> manish7294: Aah okay thanks :)
< zoq> rcurtin: I guess he is looking into the issue
< zoq> rcurtin: Do you commit the path change, or should I?
< rcurtin> I'll handle it, hang on
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< mayank98> Can somebody guide me to participate gsoc 2019?
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< rcurtin> mayank98: do you mean gsoc 2018?
< mayank98> Actually no , Because I know I have not contributed enough not even been active on mlpack github or anywhere till now
< mayank98> But It's fascinating me now and really want to be a core developer im few projects
< mayank98> in*
< rcurtin> well, it is not yet known if GSoC 2019 will even happen or if mlpack will apply or be selected, but in any case, probably and are good places to start
< mayank98> Thank you sir
< zoq> sourabhvars: Sorry for the slow response, the models on the ideas page are suggestions, so feel free to propose something different; if you like to go with RBFN and BRN that's also just fine. A good start would be to dive into the existing ann codebase e.g. run the tests, create another model.
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