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< MystikNinja> Are there any APIs in mlpack to generate data? How would I go about developing test cases to test convergence of the MVU+LRSDP functions?
< MystikNinja> My first guess would be to simply prepare a Swiss roll type dataset and see visually what MVU returns.
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< MystikNinja> As in, look at some visualization of the output data and see if it has unrolled it "well enough"
< thepro> hey, I am interested in the Gradient Tree Boosting and XGBoost algorithms. Are they good enough for a GSoC proposal?
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< Devon> Hello, I am interested in talking with a Google Summer of Code Mentor.
< Devon> please contact me at
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< Prabhat-IIT> zoq: As soon as you get some time please look into my proposal on PSO. I've addresed your valuable comments
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< Atharva> In ffn implementation, in the train method, there is a line Log::info which prints the final objective, but when I trained a model, nothing was printed.
< Atharva> I modified the code and added std::cout to print the objective, it was printed this time.
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< Atharva> Another thing, when we use the train function, at what point does it stop, how many iterations? Or some value of objective?
< Atharva> Okay, I am clear about the 2nd doubt, there’s a default maxIterations value in the optimizer object.
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< csoni> Atharva: you need to pass in the -verbose flag when you run the program. Log::Info doesn't print to the screen by default.
< csoni> Feel free to look up the I/O documentation online for more information.
< csoni> There is a neat example at
< Atharva> Thanks!
< csoni> No problem!
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< thepro> hey @zoq
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< yashsharan> Hello everyone.I was thinking of writing my GSoc Proposal related to reinforcement learning.Should I get the proposal reviewed by someone before final submission?TIA.
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#107 (GAN - 9098502 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#110 (GAN - 4c00ea6 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< daniel__> so i ve been thinking about approaches to the MVU+LRSDP functions... I think it might be a good idea to first general datasets randomly to compare both MUV+LRSDP approach and normal MUV to find out and summarise the cases where LRSDP doesn't converge.
< daniel__> and then base on the summarised dataset , visualise it in 2d or 3d and then try to find some certain pattern that might appear in the dataset
< daniel__> also if possible we might try to seperate the MUV+LRSDP algorithm from the api and then test it seperately
< daniel__> in this way we can design some dataset that has certain characteristic which by pre-calculation would be garanteed to give a converging result on normal MUV / MUV + LRSDP and then just only generate dataset that has that characteristic
< daniel__> so in this way if we find an error that would mean the bug is in the implementation of the algorithm instead of the algorithm itself...
< daniel__> so thats what i think@MystikNinja... does that sounds practical?
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< yashsharan> Hello everyone.I was thinking of writing my GSoc Proposal related to reinforcement learning.Should I get the proposal reviewed by someone before final submission?TIA.
< zoq> yashsharan: Hello, you can upload the application via the GSoC page, and we are trying to comment on the draft (once we have a chance).
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< yashsharan> ok thanks.I will upload it there once I finish writing it.
< zoq> yashsharan: Sounds good.
< csoni> zoq: Submitted a PR for the PSO p
< csoni> zoq: Submitted a PR for the PSO optimizer and solved a few issues faced. The code is still far from complete but it helped provide insight into the API design aspects. I have a draft of the proposal (not complete yet) which I would like to share for a review, where exactly should I upload it?
< csoni> I missed the location because of a disconnection from IRC
< yashsharan> @zoq also should I mention the issues in the proposal which i'm working on but haven't submitted a PR yet for it?
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< zoq> csoni: on the GSoC page
< zoq> yashsharan: yeah, that would be helpful, github name as well
< csoni> zoq: Okay thanks!
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< prem_ktiw> Hello Everyone. I am Prem from NIT Meghalaya, India. I have done several courses on core Artificial Intelligence and Data Science such as Data Mining and Pattern Recognition in my University. I am currently in my final year and best performer of batch academically. Machine learning is an area which interests me a lot, specially the fact that things which look so fancy to outsiders are just simple algorithms dancing on the data.
< prem_ktiw> I represented NIT Meghalaya for the first time in history of ACM ICPC Asia Regionals, my primary language for coding was C++, but that costed me to stay quite detached from Development and Open Source Developement. I have done some 5+ Projects during my college studies primarily in Java and 4 during my internship at MathWorks. if mlpack accepts me for GSoC, it will be my first open source contribution.
< prem_ktiw> Earlier I have written C++ implementation to basic Neural Network, for one of my professor's teaching purposes. But definitely that wasn't too advanced. Menotrs please guide me about the project and further proceedings.
< prem_ktiw> In case I am not selected via GSoC, still I would like to contribute, please let me know if that happens how to go ahead with off GSoC contribution to mlpack.
< zoq> prem_ktiw: That sounds really interesting; If you are looking for how to get started, these two pages may be helpful: and
< prem_ktiw> Thanks @zoq very much. I read those two pages, I want to know from you, how to maximize my chances of getting selected.
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< prem_ktiw> Also, Please change the year to 2018 here :
< prem_ktiw> The first line in the section : Before you consider applying ...
< zoq> Getting familiar with the codebase is a good first step, on that point you can build up the application, what part needs to be added/modified, what can be reused.
< zoq> ah, thanks let me fix that
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< sourabhvarshney1> @zoq I have submitted my draft for the Essential Deep Learning Modules. If possible, please review it and give valuable feedbacks.
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< sonudoo> Hello
< sonudoo> I have not received a feedback fir my draft.
< sonudoo> Can any mentor please review my draft and provide a feedback?
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< zoq> sonudoo: Please be patient, we will provide feedback once we have a chance.
< zoq> sourabhvars: Okay, will take a look once I get a chance.
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< sonudoo> thank you. Awaiting a reply..
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< zoq> sonudoo: What is the title of the application/project?
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< Atharva> zoq: we don’t have an ann function to calculate the accuracy of predictions given the input amd correct classes, do we?
< Atharva> and*
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< Atharva> zoq: thank you, i will check that out.
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< MystikNinja> daniel__: I was thinking something along those lines exactly, however I wanted to dive into the numbers and test against some existing MVU (not with LRSDP) implementation (R has it in Rdimtools, and there's an Octave implementation as well)
< MystikNinja> Even if the same algo isn't used to solve the SDP, we should still get the same solution, no? I'll try to find out why mlpack's implementation doesn't return the same values.
< MystikNinja> rcurtin: I'd like to know what you were thinking about this problem, where you felt the error might like and what you were doing to try to debug it
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< MystikNinja> I'm trying to build an executable for mvu. Could anyone point me to where I need to make changes so that it can be compiled and built via the normal build process?
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< MystikNinja> Do I simply have to add a line mlpack_mvu to the CMakeLists.txt file from line 486 onwards?
< zoq> MystikNinja: Remove the comment from line 24 in should work.
< MystikNinja> Thanks! I didn't know there were other CMakeLists.txt files inside the src directory as well