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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#100 (RBM - 00ecc08 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< ShikharJ> zoq: I think #1098 can be closed now. The commits there have been reused and merged.
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< zoq> ShikharJ: You are right, thanks for the reminder.
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: it's really nice to finish the backlog of old PRs; thank you for taking on the task
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< moksh> @zoq The build passed, please do take a look at the PR whenever you get time :)
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< thepro> what all ANN programs are already existing in library?
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< zoq> thepro: Hello, not sure what you mean with ANN programs; mlpack implements building blocks, to create various network structures.
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< thepro> ones which have their basis on neural nets.
< thepro> I got what you want to say.
< thepro> thanks
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< zoq> Okay, I guess if the questions is, does mlpack implement conv nets, forward networks, recurrent networks, the answer is yes.
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< Atharva> Even when I use const int in place of int, Jenkins style check still tells me that I am using variable length arrays.
< Atharva> Can someone help me here - it says - Do not use variable-length arrays. Use an appropriately named ('k' followed by CamelCase) compile-time constant for the size.
< zoq> Can you pont me to the PR?
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< zoq> *point
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< zoq> You can probably use .set_size(...).
< Atharva> #1263, okay I will try that
< zoq> I see, yeah using arma::mat[size] isn't common.
< Atharva> Should I use constexpr for compile time constant?
< zoq> No need to use constexpr inside a test method.
< Atharva> Then what do you suggest?
< zoq> const constantName = value; is just fine
< zoq> but if you like to use constexpr feel free.
< Atharva> but using const still fails the style check, I will try constexpr then. Can I ask why you were reluctant to suggest constexpr?
< Atharva> Is it something specific about it?
< zoq> There is no specific reason.
< Atharva> Okay :)
< Atharva> So even using constexpr fails the style check, same error.
< Atharva> I think it's because I am using sizeof while defining it, so it never runs at compile time.
< Atharva> Should I just manually enter the number instead of using sizeof?
< zoq> Can't see any constexpr issues.
< Atharva> Yes, that is the one
< zoq> As I said either use set size or use the arma::mat constructor to set the size.
< zoq> Also, it looks like you like to store matrices, so either use arma::cube or std::vector
< zoq> std::vector might be the easiest solution
< zoq> so something like: std::vector distances; distances.push_back(...);
< Atharva> Okay, thanks
< Atharva> I will use std::vector
< Atharva> I think another approach in that particular case will be not store matrices at all, I can just check if they are equal two at a time and just overwrite the previous ones I don't need
< zoq> good idea
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< bhuwnesh> Hi
< zoq> bhuwnesh: Hello there!
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< haritha1313> sumedhghaisas: Hi, I had a doubt regarding the SVDWrapper implemented in cf. I don't see that any SVD method being used by CF is using the wrapper.
< haritha1313> I am trying to enable using quic_svd as a MF method in CF and have a PR open for it. I am not sure whether I should use the wrapper or rather stick to writing function for the same in cf_impl.cpp since no other SVD method seems to be using it.
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