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< kaushik_> hi i am a newbie here.
< kaushik_> can someone guide me how should I get started to contributing?
< zoq> kaushik_: Hello and welcome, have you seen:; might be helpful too.
< kaushik_> zoq: yes I did. I will try and setup the environment today. How much of ML should I know before contributing?
< zoq> kaushik_: Depends on what you like to do, but as long as you are willing to learn new concepts you are good to go.
< kaushik_> great. I have decent coding experience ( was a gsoc student this year) but not much with ML. I know few basic stuff though.
< zoq> Sounds like a good fit; Hopefully your summer was full of fun coding sessions. I'm curious, what was your project?
< kaushik_> It was a great! My project was developing a Todoist plugin for GNOME To Do.
< zoq> great, so it's going to be used by a lot of people.
< kaushik_> yep. Will get back to you incase I face some issues :)
< zoq> Sounds good, here to help.
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