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< Sthita_> I am new to this community.How to i get started in contributing?
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< zoq> Sthita_: Hello, have you seen:
< zoq> In case he reads the logs.
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< pvskand> @rcurtin, approximately when can we expect the new release of mlpack with the gsoc 17 works?
< rcurtin> pvskand: not sure, there is still some amount of work to do, we also have to plan for what features we want to see
< rcurtin> if you want to help out you are more than welcome to of course :)
< rcurtin> my thoughts for the things that need to happen (in large strokes) are:
< rcurtin> - some nice benchmark results showing that mlpack is faster for a handful of common machine learning tasks (I am working on this now)
< rcurtin> - stable neural network code plus some examples and tutorials
< rcurtin> - handling any reverse compatibility issues (that have comments like 'this can be removed for mlpack 3.0.0', etc.)
< rcurtin> - python bindings a little more battle-tested than they are now
< rcurtin> it would be nice to be able to support non-double matrices in general across mlpack, but I think that is too lofty a goal for 3.0.0
< rcurtin> I'm not sure if zoq or anyone else has any other ideas of what should get done before, but that seems like a reasonable-ish roadmap for me
< pvskand> Could you elaborate on : >> stable neural network code plus some examples and tutorials
< rcurtin> it's not ready for release quite yet, there are some open issues that need to be handled like batch support and so forth
< rcurtin> zoq would probably have the best idea of what he'd like to see before that's ready
< pvskand> aah.. okay I have gone through the batch support issue and PR. I understand now
< zoq> batch support, examples + tutorials, GSoC projects (batchnorm, NTM, RBM, etc.) is what I'd like to finish before 3.0
< zoq> as rcurtin already said you are welcome to help :)
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< zoq> Not as straightforward as I thought ... the doxygen that comes with Ubuntu 16.04 doesn't include some javascript files (there is an open bug report), building/switching to the latest doxygen version fixed the issue.
< rcurtin> yeah, the version on uses doxygen 1.8.13
< rcurtin> so the css/js I built depends on that
< zoq> right
< rcurtin> I think you built different js/scripts for the blog stuff though
< rcurtin> I guess, if you wanted, we could have the blog job execute on
< rcurtin> and that way we are guaranteed the css is the same version as there
< rcurtin> anyway it really looks nice, I think it is an improvement because it matches the doxygen output a lot better :)
< zoq> So remove the blog repo and give 'everyone' write access on the repo?
< rcurtin> ah, no, I was thinking of adding as a slave to Jenkins, then running the gsoc-blog job specifically on the node and copying the result to the right place
< zoq> Still have to 'backport' some existing blog posts, so that if someone linked to it, it shows the correct page, already did this for the 2017 summary posts.
< zoq> ah, yeah, nice idea
< rcurtin> yeah, and I don't need apache proxies anymore, I can just use a symlink
< rcurtin> let me get that set up...
< rcurtin> zoq: ok, now the gsoc-blog job runs directly on and uses the system doxygen installation
< rcurtin> now /var/www/ is a symlink directly to /home/jenkins/mb-slave/workspace/gsoc-blog/script/blog/doxygen/
< zoq> hm, GET net::ERR_ABORTED
< zoq> which contains the toggle function ...
< rcurtin> strange, one workaround is just to copy it into place... what do you think?
< zoq> I solved the issue by building the latest doxygen version, which I guess is the same version as on 1.8.13
< rcurtin> dynsections.js is properly being built for the mlpack documentation, maybe there is something different in the Doxyfile
< zoq> sounds fine for me :)
< zoq> pretty much used the same Doxyfile
< rcurtin> hmm, I don't see HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS in the Doxyfile
< rcurtin> we could try enabling it, what do you think? we could also do the same for the default mlpack Doxyfile too
< zoq> I guess even without HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS
< zoq> we can just copy the file as you said
< zoq> but it's definitely strange
< rcurtin> yeah, the bug seems to indicate that every with HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS = YES, the file may still not be generated
< rcurtin> so I'll just add it as a part of the build step, we can copy it from docs/mlpack-2.2.5/...
< zoq> okay
< rcurtin> seems to be in the right place now
< zoq> Great, thanks for taking care of the issue.
< rcurtin> sure, I think you have an account on all the necessary systems so if you need to debug further you can do that
< rcurtin> if not or if it doesn't work let me know
< zoq> okay
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