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< ankushm> Anybody here?
< ankushm> I was interested in implementing the "Alternatives to neighborhood-based collaborative filtering"
< ankushm> If somebody could point me in the direction to starting out, since, I haven't contributed to a C++ Project before, but I was a part of GSoC 2016 for Apache
< ankushm> I'm willing to read up on the literature and the rest, also, I'm currently a 4th Year, Undergrad student with a focus on ML and CV
< ankushm> Though, I have some limited knowledge in kNN's and Recommender Systems
< ankushm> I'll probably shoot a mail to the mailing list, regarding the same
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< kris___> Hi, lozhnikov i tested with the convolution features also. But the accuracy actually decreases to around 9%.
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< lozhnikov> kris___: hi, looks like I have to debug the test. I'll tell you as soon as I find the fix
< kris___> Sure....any headway on the gan example...
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