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< cult-> hey there, i want to use the static libraries but on ubuntu only shared libraries are available from the repo
< cult-> =(
< rcurtin> cult-: hmm, the Debian package maintainer doesn't hang out in this channel, I think maybe you should file a bug asking for a static library package on
< cult-> rcurtin: but i mean a dep-less static package, so armadillo and boost must be static too
< cult-> rcurtin: did you mean like that?
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< rcurtin> cult-: I am not sure, I guess all I am thinking is that if you want to add a statically-linked package to ubuntu you would have to ask there, I can't help much here :(
< rcurtin> I think that the CMake configuration should allow you to build a statically linked library
< rcurtin> you can set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF