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< rcurtin> there is a big storm in atlanta today; it's possible that will go offline
< rcurtin> if so, I'll try and bring it back up on
< zoq> okay, Irma is all over the news
< rcurtin> wow, even outside the US? I am surprised
< rcurtin> it's a very big hurricane, but I dunno if it's worthy of global news coverage :)
< rcurtin> I think the winds here will not be bad, only 30-50mph gusts maximum, nothing like the 190+mph winds that the caribbean islands got hit by
< rcurtin> I will try to go stand outside during some of the big gusts like that, it should be interesting
< zoq> Right after the news about the upcoming election.
< zoq> Yeah, should be interesting.
< rcurtin> I guess the expectation is that Merkel will win, it will be interesting to see what happens
< zoq> Yeah, it would surprise me if the CDU (Merkel) won't win the election; pretty sure Nate Silver would agree.
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