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< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - git commit test build #2827: ABORTED in 7 days 12 hr:
< jenkins-mlpack> * Marcus Edel: Use Evaluate(const arma::mat& parameters) instead of Evaluate(const
< jenkins-mlpack> * Marcus Edel: Increase the population size to stabilize the test case.
< rcurtin> must have hung on some test, not sure which
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< zoq> rcurtin: Looks like we have to take a closer look into the issue.
< rcurtin> I'm running the mlpack_test program that was built now, I'll see what test it is hanging on
< rcurtin> hm, I think it actually might be the KFoldCVWithDecisionTree test
< zoq> Which is probably fixed with #1111.
< rcurtin> yeah; I see that if I run with --log_level=test_suite, then it runs the tests and fails at KFoldCVWithDecisionTreeTest
< rcurtin> but if I also add --log_format=XML --report_level=detailed, then it never finishes
< rcurtin> so let's merge #1111 and see what happens...
< zoq> good idea
< jenkins-mlpack> Project mlpack - git commit test build #2828: ABORTED in 3 hr 38 min:
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Added line search update method for classical FW algorithm, and the
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Fixed some bugs in update_linesearch.hpp
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Tested regularization.
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Changed the new atom interface. All the tests still pass.
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Support Prune for UpdateSpan tested.
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Added atom norm constraint in update steps. Using Projected Gradient
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Added documentations.
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Added structure group constraint.
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Changed the code for structured group constraint solver.
< jenkins-mlpack> * diao: Fixed regularized OMP test.