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< zoq> interesting: armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp(1715): error C3016: 't': index variable in OpenMP 'for' statement must have signed integral type
< zoq> I guess, one option is to switch to another version, I guess it's already fixed.
< rcurtin> yeah, I was just looking at that
< rcurtin> I did a much more primitive solution for now... let me make sure that works, then I can refine it a bit
< rcurtin> it doesn't seem like it's fixed in newer versions of Armadillo though, so maybe I should file a bug report there
< zoq> definitely
< rcurtin> ha, can't open an issue on the Armadillo repo, I guess I'll just send Conrad an email
< zoq> ah, right or open a PR
< rcurtin> I'd rather ask first, in case there is a different way Conrad wants to fix it
< rcurtin> sent an email, we'll see what the response is
< zoq> Yeah, he is probably happy to fix it for the upcoming version.
< zoq> rcurtin: You manually update the download page right? Just noted does reference to 2.2.4. I can update that section if that helps, but I guess the page isn't automatically deployed?
< rcurtin> yeah, these things are not automatic...
< rcurtin> perhaps that is a little bit ugly but I have not taken the time to automate it :)
< rcurtin> I'll fix it real quick...
< zoq> okay, great :)
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