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< theJonan> Hi, again. Another question regarding DET - do you have an idea at what sizes of data the DET learning can handle in reasonable time - couple of hours. For example I've tried it with 500k samples of 240 variables and it finished for ≈3 hours (on MacBookPro i7, 8GB Ram). However, the 1.32mln samples with 240 variable or even a 40 variables subset fails to finishes for a whole night.
< theJonan> All tests are done with 5-fold CV.
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< rcurtin> mentekid: I spent a while with equation 13 of the LSH tuning paper... I wish they had been more verbose there
< rcurtin> they say "we use the following approximation to simplify computation" but then don't describe how to actually compute that approximation
< rcurtin> and here I am looking at a whiteboard trying to figure out how to integrate gaussian CDFs...
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< rcurtin> hello everyone who's watching, I wanted to talk about mlpack 2.1.0, which I am hoping to release next week (I know I have said that a lot but I am serious this time! :))
< rcurtin> I'm planning to merge in PR #800 (singletons) and try to help with the LSH tuning code and see where that ends up
< rcurtin> I'd also like to look at Tham's csv loading code and give that a good review and see if that will be ready in time
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< rcurtin> but other than that I had nothing specific I was planning to do, so if there is anything I've missed that anyone wants to see in mlpack 2.1.0 let me know and we can make it happen
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< mentekid> rcurtin: Hey
< mentekid> just saw your message
< mentekid> I will take a look tomorrow :)
< rcurtin> yeah, I did not have time to derive any further
< rcurtin> I saw the lshkit implementation and understood it
< rcurtin> but I didn't see how their result was the expected value of the definite integral of the gaussian pdf...
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