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< kingsley_> hello i am new here
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< topology> what is the meant by monochromatic/bichromatic neighbor search? (src/mlpack/methods/neighbor_search/ns_model.hpp)
< topology> i couldn't find much on the internet :/
< marcosirc> topology: monochromatic means using the same query and reference set of points.
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< marcosirc> bichromatic when considering a different set for query and reference.
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< marcosirc> When considering monochromatic search, it is enough to build only one tree with the dataset. And use the same tree for query and reference.
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< marcosirc> when doing bichromatic search, you build one tree for the reference set and another tree for the query set.
< topology> marcosirc: thank you :)
< marcosirc> you are welcome!
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< zoq> nice, to see 4 benchmarks running in parallel