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< peek> Hey all, I figured I would ask a question here rather than create a new issue, hoping that someone has already seen this before. I'm attempting to extend the kNN interface with my own algorithm, so I need access to the MLPACK API (as opposed to the CLI). For some reason, when I copy and paste the very basic NN search code here:
< peek> I recieve the following error: error: Mat::init(): requested size is not compatible with column vector layout
< peek> Looking further into it, it seems like it's an armadillo issue, so I tried redownloading and recompiling armadillo. Same thing. Strange enough, though, when I try compiling and using any of the mlpack example programs, it compiles and runs fine
< peek> So I'm wondering if anyone has run into this issue? The dataset I'm using is far too small to have produced this issue (2503 x 3).
< peek> Information: mlpack 2.0.1, armadillo 7.200.2, clang-700.1.76 host compiler
< rcurtin> I see, that example has incorrect code!
< rcurtin> arma::Col<size_t> neighbors;
< rcurtin> change that to arma::Mat<size_t>
< rcurtin> and the following line, change arma::vec to arma::mat
< rcurtin> let me update that now and push a fix
< peek> Ahh, that fixed it right up. Thank you!
< rcurtin> I'm rebuilding the site documentation now, so that page should be fixed soon
< rcurtin> sorry for the typo!
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1582 (master - 84a940d : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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