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< manshi10> Hi. I am completely new to the IRC as well.
< manshi10> My internet connection got disabled, and I do not know if someone replied to me.
< manshi10> There is an issue "Reduce compile time by removing unnecessary headers #722 "
< manshi10> From the comments, no one has worked on it since July, can I try my hand at it?
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< christie> i'm getting a cmake error
< christie> while making mlpack2.0.3
< christie> CMake Error at CMake/NewCXX11.cmake:4 (target_compile_features): target_compile_features no known features for CXX compiler
< christie> here's how NewCXX11.cmake file looks like
< christie> # This file should be incorporated into the main CMakeLists.txt when CMake 3.1 # becomes the minimum required version (we should at least wait until late 2016 # or early 2017 for this). target_compile_features(mlpack PUBLIC cxx_decltype cxx_alias_templates cxx_auto_type cxx_lambdas cxx_constexpr cxx_rvalue_references cxx_static_assert cxx_template_template_parameters cxx_delegating_constructors
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< rcurtin> christie: can you tell me more about what compiler you are using?
< rcurtin> also, can you try with the latest github revision? it's possible this is a bug that has been fixed; I seem to remember another user with this issue that we fixed recently
< christie> i'm using gcc 6.2.1
< christie> i'll try with the latest github version
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< christie> the github verson seems to be working
< christie> thankyou ! :)
< rcurtin> great that that helped
< rcurtin> a new release should be coming soon with that fix in it :)
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