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< Hieronymous> Hey, How do I "git clone" mlpack ?
< Hieronymous> I want to contribute (via PRs of course).
< rcurtin> git clone is the command you'll need to use
< Hieronymous> okay and then build it with the normal instructions ?
< Hieronymous> I knew that btw
< rcurtin> yeah, the readme contains the instructions on how to build
< rcurtin> if you already knew that I am not sure why you asked, or maybe I answered the wrong question :)
< Hieronymous> My bad, I'm used to finding instructions that say - git clone something.. and then the specific build instructions.
< Hieronymous> mlpack didn't mention the git clone part in the I thought maybe its different somehow. Never mind, its clear now.
< rcurtin> sounds good
< rcurtin> github has a link somewhere on each project's page for the clone URL
< Hieronymous> I know, its just that the README doesn't mention it, it says you can physically download the tarball and then build it.'
< Hieronymous> Not git clone the project and then build.
< Hieronymous> Even though both do just the same thing.
< rcurtin> note that the readme is what is distributed with a release, so it is written for that
< rcurtin> if you're cloning the git repository, it's not an actual release of the code
< Hieronymous> Yep, I'm aware. Its the "bleeding edge"
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< Hieronymous> Hey, I was able to build mlpack successfully.
< Hieronymous> How do I test if it is installed ? Doing mlpack_knn --help causes a seg fault
< Hieronymous> Does that mean it isn't installed ?
< rcurtin> you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory containing
< rcurtin> so if you built and didn't install, then this will be /path/to/mlpack/source/build/lib/
< rcurtin> if you did install, by default it'll be in /usr/local/lib/ so you can use that
< rcurtin> like $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ mlpack_knn
< Hieronymous> Yeah I did run sudo make install in the end
< rcurtin> ok, then /usr/local/lib/ should work
< Hieronymous> It did :)
< rcurtin> ok, good to hear
< Hieronymous> I am used to compiling simple c++ programs the following way, g++ -o ./fi some_thing.cpp -std=c++11
< Hieronymous> But how do I compile a simple program in mlpack ?
< rcurtin> did you try the way you posted? :)
< Hieronymous> I see that there are different CLI arguments for each algorithm (from docs)
< Hieronymous> Yeah I did.
< rcurtin> and the result was?
< Hieronymous> I replaced something with a valid mlpack program.
< rcurtin> sure, of course
< Hieronymous> sample.cpp:(.text+0x356): undefined reference to `mlpack::CLI::ParseCommandLine(int, char**)'
< Hieronymous> Something like this, there are lot more like this.
< rcurtin> right, so you need to link against mlpack if you have undefined references
< rcurtin> and potentially other libraries depending
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< Hieronymous> If I had to run the first program here - ?
< Hieronymous> How would I do it via CLI ?
< Hieronymous> Thanks.
< rcurtin> did you link it successfully?
< rcurtin> if you did, did you just try to run the program?
< rcurtin> it's a regular C++ program...
< Hieronymous> I don't know how to link ? I'm sorry, my C++ knowledge is limited extremely limited.
< rcurtin> ok, sorry about that
< rcurtin> you'll link with -l<name of library>
< rcurtin> so -lmlpack
< rcurtin> and you may also need to link with some boost libraries like program options... -lboost_program_options
< rcurtin> once that's done you just run it from the command line, like if the program is named 'fi' you'd do './fi'
< Hieronymous> g++ -o -lmlpack ./fi sample.cpp -std=c++11 gives ./fi No such file or directory
< Hieronymous> I linked it in this fashion - g++ -o -lmlpack sample.cpp -o
< Hieronymous> It still throws a lot of errors.
< rcurtin> the -o option specifies the name of the output program
< rcurtin> so put the -lmlpack somewhere else, like at the end of the command
< rcurtin> I think you are telling g++ to name your program "-lmlpack" :)
< Hieronymous> lol :)
< rcurtin> I have to go for now, you might be better off finding a tutorial someone has written on compiling c++ programs from the command line or something like this to get some knowledge of how to do all this
< Hieronymous> Okay. Cool.
< rcurtin> probably it is easier to learn from them than from quick responses by me
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< ikad> Hello
< ikad> How can I contribute to mlpack?
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