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< travis-ci> akanuraj200/mlpack#8 (master - e553685 : Anuraj Kanodia): The build was broken.
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< zoq> Is it just me or is jenkins down for some reason?
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< rcurtin> ugh
< rcurtin> the system is up
< rcurtin> I will get in touch with IT to figure out the issue...
< rcurtin> oh hang on it's actually on my end... thankfully...
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< rcurtin> ok, I am not sure what the issue was, but I restarted jenkins and now it is accepting connections from all hosts, not just
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< rcurtin> I wanted to try and avoid restarting jenkins so that no jobs died, but after I fought with iptables for a while I concluded that it couldn't be anything else
< mentekid> oh the symantec server is up?
< mentekid> congrats you've fought for so long for this :)
< rcurtin> yeah, right?
< rcurtin> not only that but the 5 benchmarking systems are online too
< rcurtin> and the 3 Sun systems, but I am still trying to get an OS less worthless than Solaris on them :)
< mentekid> is it masterblaster?
< mentekid> I like the name
< rcurtin> yeah
< rcurtin> named after Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome of course :)
< mentekid> haven't watched that
< mentekid> I wasn't born yet when it came out. It's on my list though
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< rcurtin> I was not alive either but I still think it's definitely worth watching
< rcurtin> then again, I really like the mad max movies so my opinion may be biased
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1565 (master - 9ef7339 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1566 (master - ebdb5ab : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< zoq> rcurtin: great, thanks for looking into the issue.
< rcurtin> zoq: bad news, I can't use freebsd on the Sun systems because their architecture is not actually sparc, they're sun4v
< rcurtin> the FreeBSD sun4v port has been untouched for many years now
< zoq> hm, okay, so back to solaris?
< rcurtin> I got debian wheezy to boot
< rcurtin> but I need to see if there are newer packages available in any repository
< zoq> ah, okay
< rcurtin> I'm sad that I don't get to use freebsd on those systems because I was excited to learn more about it
< rcurtin> but I do still have a sparc64 system with freebsd on it that I don't have plugged in. maybe I will have to bring it into the office and bring it online :)
< zoq> Debian is still a great choice
< rcurtin> yeah, it seems like there are still some active porters working on it
< rcurtin> I found a debian stretch ISO which is much more recent, but it seems like I can only get my wheezy image to boot, so I'll just step from wheezy to jessie then to stretch and it should work
< rcurtin> ...hopefully!
< zoq> the easy way :)
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< rcurtin> Linux aunty 3.2.0-4-sparc64-smp #1 SMP Debian 3.2.78-1 sparc64
< rcurtin> :)
< zoq> Linux aunty :)
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< abhi__> Hi, I want to contribute... can anyone suggests me some bugs to get started ?
< rcurtin> abhi__: hi there, have you taken a look through the open issues on github?
< rcurtin> they are generally marked with a difficulty that might help you choose what you might like to work on
< abhi__> rcurtin: Thanks, I'll look and try to fix some of them
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