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< peek_> hello
< peek_> So, I've been the source code for the DTB implementation. Great stuff! One of the only implementations I can find. I'm developing an R package using the MLPackRcpp interface/data structures, however I've run into a snag that prevents me from proceeding without directly augmenting the source code
< peek_> I've been reading the source code to get familiar with it, and I figured I would ask around to get an idea of how difficult it would be to implement. Currently, when building a MST via the Dual Tree boruvka approach, as minimum edges are found, they are added to the recursion to be checked and pruned later, etc.
< peek_> With MSTs, however, as you all probably know, they are non-unique if you do not have distinct edges. I have a distance matrix I would like to compute the MST of, but part of the algorithm requires that, if you find an component that has identical weights/distance, then pick one and remove all of the others
< peek_> I was wondering if anyone had an idea of how difficult that might be to implement?
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