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< k1ngsl3y> hello zoq
< k1ngsl3y> hello keonkim
< k1ngsl3y> please i will like to know which other ide , i can used to contribute on my windows machine.
< k1ngsl3y> i have tried installing virtual studio, but it is not going . and my machine only takes window seven os.
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< rcurtin> k1ngsl3y: I saw your message, I am not sure if there are any good tutorials on how to use other IDEs for mlpack other than the one Keon wrote; sorry that I can't help more
< k1ngsl3y> rcurtin: thanks
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< zoq> k1ngsl3y: You could also try MinGW but Visual Studio is probably the best option, maybe we can figure out why you can't install visual studio 2015. Btw. the community edition is everything you need.
< k1ngsl3y> ok
< zoq> k1ngsl3y: Also you can use any editor you like, we just need the compiler.
< k1ngsl3y> ok, that is nice.
< k1ngsl3y> zoq: i do not understand ,what you mean by you need the compiler.
< k1ngsl3y> i thought when i write the codes and everything is running well , then i will be able to summit it
< k1ngsl3y> what will you now need the compiler for?
< zoq> If you prefer to write code in another editor you can do that you don't have to use the Visual Studio IDE, that's all. And you are right if you install Visual Studio you are basically able to contribute.
< k1ngsl3y> ok, so if i used any other editor, i will still be able to contribute right.
< zoq> yeah
< k1ngsl3y> wow, thanks allot. it is my first time contributing, that is why i am asking to much question. thanks once more for the help
< zoq> Don't worry, we are here to help.
< k1ngsl3y> ok
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< amit_> Hiii
< k1ngsl3y> hello
< amit_> this is my first time,i am eager to know how can i start learning and contributing to mlpack.sorry for any mistakes
< k1ngsl3y> ok, no problem
< k1ngsl3y> you can go to this link amit_
< amit_> thanks, i am studying the link ,can i ask if i will have a doubt in future
< k1ngsl3y> just go ahead and study the link . in case of any prob or misunderstanding , you can always come for help here.
< k1ngsl3y> there someone will always be there to help you out amit_
< amit_> ok thnks
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