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< zoq> nilay: Hello, Y are the responses (labels), the first dimension represents the number of classes and the second dimension the number of samples. So, if you test the network with a single input (3 classes) it should look like: arma::mat Y = arma::zeros<arma::mat>(3, 1); instead of arma::mat Y = arma::zeros<arma::mat>(3, 192);.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1213 (master - ccc6ff0 : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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< nilay> zoq: hi, how much time (estimated) should training a net in inception_layer_test.cpp should take??
< zoq> nilay: That depends on the input size.
< nilay> input size in file is 28 x 28 x 192
< zoq> nilay: Which is one sample right?
< nilay> yes
< zoq> Since it's a single input, it should only take a couple of iterations < 20.
< nilay> ok i don't know why it just gets stuck in the forward pass only
< zoq> In the first forward pass?
< nilay> yes
< zoq> it never returns?
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< nilay> no i mean only the forward pass starts and ends, backward pass never starts
< nilay> zoq: could this be a problem with the test i wrote?
< zoq> yes nice catch, you need to put another layer in front of the inception layer, because you need the backward pass to calculate the error for the next layer, but there isn't a next layer.
< nilay> i did put a convLayer
< zoq> yeah after the InceptionLayer right?
< nilay> yes as you can see in the test
< zoq> yes, so I was talking about putting another laer before the InceptionLayer (in)
< zoq> *layer
< nilay> oh ok let me do that then
< zoq> It could be a conv layer with a 1x1 kernel or a linear layer.
< zoq> A conv layer would be a good idea.
< zoq> or wait, BaseLayer<IdentityFunction, arma::cube, arma::cube>, should also work
< nilay> for base_layer Datatype& error would always be a matrix?
< zoq> It calls the backward function, since there is some error in the backward pass, I removed everything in the backward pass and just added a print statement.
< nilay> yes, don't know why that error wasn't coming before?
< zoq> because the backward function of the inception layer was never used
< nilay> ok
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