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< marcosirc> zoq: Hi, I apologize for my delayed reply, I have been offline yesterday.
< marcosirc> Yes, I could avoid the explicit DualTree traverser parameter.
< marcosirc> I made it explicit in the last commit.
< marcosirc> to see if that change could make AppVeyor build.
< marcosirc> But it didn't, so I will remove the last commit.
< marcosirc> right now.
< marcosirc> rcurtin: yes, I would have expected a more significant speedup too...
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< Kirizaki> hello everyone
< Kirizaki> is here someone online right now?
< Kirizaki> where I can find lates information about dependencies versions?
< Kirizaki> CMakeLists.txt? :>
< zoq> Kirizaki: Hello, here is the list:
< Kirizaki> yup, but I wonder which versions are lates for stable mlpack.2.0.3
< Kirizaki> latest*
< Kirizaki> but nevermind, I'm already building mlpack... sooo many warnings :F
< Kirizaki> KeonKim - Your solution works fine :P
< Kirizaki> thanks :D
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< Kirizaki> @zoq: do You know how to prepare new VS15 which uses mlpack after I build mlpack successfully?
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< Kirizaki> I'm getting output like this:
< zoq> Kirizaki: Are you able to debug with 64-bit instead of 32-bit? The first line in the log says "Configuration: Debug Win32"
< Kirizaki> hmm
< Kirizaki> I don't know, I'll check it in the moment
< Kirizaki> ok, log is smaller now
< Kirizaki> but still fails
< Kirizaki> 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_serialization-vc140-mt-gd-1_61.lib'
< Kirizaki> I think I'm linking not correctly
< Kirizaki> I'll check my properties again
< zoq> sounds like you have to adjust your "Additional Include Directories" settings
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< Kirizaki> I ended up with:
< rcurtin> Kirizaki: hello there, long time no see! :)
< Kirizaki> Hello
< Kirizaki> :P
< Kirizaki> yes
< Kirizaki> I was looking at Issues of mlpack, following any topic about mlpack @ windows :P
< Kirizaki> and I build it right now but linking new projects againts mlpack is painfull right now
< rcurtin> yeah; I think on Windows it is painful, unfortunately :(
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< zoq> Kirizaki: Can you check that you link against libmlpack?
< Kirizaki> yes
< Kirizaki> in Configuration Properties > VC++ Directories > Include Directories:
< Kirizaki> ~/armadillo/include
< Kirizaki> ~/mlpack/build/include
< Kirizaki> in Linker > General > Additional Library Directories: ~/mlpack/build/Debug
< Kirizaki> and
< Kirizaki> ~/mlpack/packages/boost_libs
< Kirizaki> and the same libraries directories are in Configuration Properties > General > Library Directories
< Kirizaki> nah, not General but VC++ Directories > Library Directories
< zoq> You also have to link against mlpack (mlpack.lib or mlpack.dll),
< Kirizaki> I've been trying this too in few combinations
< zoq> hm, okay, can you show us the code? Maybe we can test it with a minimal example?
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1393 (master - a7794bd : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< Kirizaki> it's simple as... it can't be simpliest :P
< zoq> hm, I'm pretty sure, VS does not link against mlpack in the right way.
< Kirizaki> me too, but I just trying every possible combination right now which I could imagine :P
< Kirizaki> I'm*
< zoq> I'll see if I can reproduce the error tomorrow, and hopefully come back with a better answer.
< Kirizaki> alright, thanks for help
< Kirizaki> I appreciate Your time
< zoq> no problem
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