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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1138 (master - bdbc2fe : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< Karl_> zoq: yes, I played around a bit with it, but when I use the complete data set (50M x 6), I run out of memory. I retooled the naive method to mimic prcomp from R (although I'm not 100% I got it right). I didn't get the quic svd to work, but as I only have a few samples, the arma::svd function works ok.
< mentekid> rcurtin: Everthing I've done on parallelizing ReturnIndicesFromTables is a waste...
< mentekid> the result is most of the time slower than the sequential version
< mentekid> do you think I should remove that and simply leave the parallel queries code?
< rcurtin> mentekid: is the code you've written available in the PR you opened?
< rcurtin> if so I will take a look at it and see if I have any comments to add
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< mentekid> rcurtin: sorry, just saw this (stupid tray doesn't blink some times so I miss messages)
< mentekid> let me see. I think I didn't push the per-query parallelizations
< mentekid> the code for query parallelization is online though
< mentekid> oh actually, I did push it. It is removed in the latest push but you can find it in previous ones like this:
< mentekid> I'm now working on merging multiprobe
< rcurtin> okay, let me take a look
< rcurtin> also, what are the specs of the system you are testing on?
< mentekid> i5, 2+2 cores, and 6GB ram
< rcurtin> ok; I have an 8-core machine I can try on too, maybe that will produce different results
< mentekid> yeah maybe it's my cores. My computer is getting old anyway
< rcurtin> I still have many i5 machines, they are not _that_ old :)
< mentekid> well depends on the i5, I bought my laptop 2.5 years ago and it was already old (and therefore cheap which is why I bought it)
< mentekid> but I think my mistake was 6GB ram... Should have gone with 8 or 16
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1144 (master - 3c801d6 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1143 (master - 36d731b : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< marcosirc> zoq: Hi, how are you? did you get a chance to run the benchmarking system for approximate knn?
< zoq> marcosirc: Hello, Pretty good! How are you doing? The benchmark hasn't finished yet:
< marcosirc> zoq: Very well thanks! Having fun with the implementation of spill trees :)
< marcosirc> Ok. I was wondering why it didn't output anything to the console.
< marcosirc> after make run
< zoq> Sounds like fun :) if you use LOG=True the output is disabled, I think it would be interesting to see some progress ... I don't know when the benchmark will be finished
< rcurtin> zoq: are you running the full benchmark? in the past that has usually taken something like two weeks...
< zoq> just the ALLKNN benchmarks
< zoq> just checked: 'METHODBLOCK=ALLKNN run'
< rcurtin> yeah, I might expect that to take 2 or 3 days maximum, but I am not sure exactly how many benchmarks and datasets are being run
< zoq> I think for the next run we could decrease the number of iterations and remove some data sets that timed out.
< marcosirc> zoq: but when I run in my computer I can see the "Info" log messages
< marcosirc> like : "[INFO ] Method: ALLKNN"
< zoq> hm, maybe when the complete benchmark block finished?
< marcosirc> (I use LOG=True)
< marcosirc> during the progress, for example:
< marcosirc> [INFO ] Method: ALLKNN
< marcosirc> [INFO ] Options: -k 3 --seed 42 -e 0.05
< marcosirc> [INFO ] Library: ann
< marcosirc> [INFO ] Dataset: wine
< marcosirc> [INFO ] Dataset: cloud
< marcosirc> ...
< marcosirc> after each dataset is completed... Maybe Jenkins buffers the output until it finishes...
< zoq> hm, okay, I thought LOG=True would suppress any output, maybe you're right and jenkins buffers the output.
< rcurtin> my comments are not very informed here and it has been a long time, but I seem to remember monitoring the Jenkins jobs by watching the output in the console log
< rcurtin> and I think LOG=True was set in that case, but like I said, I am not certain
< zoq> maybe UPDATE=True does the trick, let's see
< zoq> no, same result
< zoq> just checked htop, it's still running and the database get's updated
< marcosirc> zoq: Ok! I will wait. Thanks!
< zoq> hopefully it will finish in the next hours
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