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< sangwan> I'm having some difficulties in compiling mlpack. I followed the instructions on the website, but when I execute 'make', it throws an error saying /usr/include/armadillo_bits/include_superlu.hpp:91:53: fatal error: /usr/include/SuperLU43/supermatrix.h: No such file or directory
< sangwan> I also opened a Github issue regarding this, however I'm now not sure if it was the right thing to do. I'm unable to delete it too, so I'm sorry if it clutters the repository.
< sangwan> Here's the link to it:
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< rcurtin> zoq: nice catch with the linear regression code... highlights the need for better testing of the command-line programs
< rcurtin> I'm still not sure what the best solution there is, or how we should write those tests
< zoq> hm, I agree ... can't think of an easy and clean solution
< zoq> btw. line 58 in hmm_loglik_main.cpp looks unfamiliar
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1199 (master - f5e98dc : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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