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< zoq> some nice speedups
< rcurtin> yeah, I am trying to think of why those speedups might be, but I am not sure
< rcurtin> I guess possibly it is the modifications to the pruning rules marcos implemented some time back
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< tham> Finished the prototype of iterative pca, but the speed are not as fast as the paper said
< tham> I think I do not implement this algorithm properly
< tham> Codes of iterative pca--
< tham> performance test of iterative pca vs exact_svd--
< tham> I do not check the converge condition by trans(eigvec) * eigvec - 1
< tham> because they never converge as the paper said, I guess there must be something wrong about my implementatin
< tham> keonkim : maybe we could set the parameter as string
< tham> and parse it by regular expression
< tham> this way you would be able to input several parameters at once
< tham> ask the users to input the params as [1,2,3,4]
< tham> or "1,2,3,4"
< tham> regex("\[(\\d+,)*(\\d+)?\] | ")
< tham> good news is c++11 provide as regex library already
< keonkim> tham: should I go for fixing PARAM_VECTOR or REGEX?
< tham> keonkim : Not sure
< tham> I would prefer regex in this case since param vector are rarely use
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< nilay> zoq: Hi, i was able to compile the file separately but now when I add the layer file and compile, i added the name in CMakeLists.txt in layer/, do we need to add anything else?
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< zoq> nilay: Adding the file to CMakeLists.txt should be enough. What's the error?
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< nilay> zoq: there is no error it simply skips the file
< nilay> the file does not compile
< zoq> If you include the inception layer header file in one of the test, it doesn't return an error?
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< nilay> when i include in test it shows errors, but when i don't include in tests, it doesn't compile it
< zoq> Maybe because it's unused it's skips the file.
< zoq> What's the error?
< nilay> yeah that was happening. i can figure the errors, they are mainly namespace errors
< zoq> okay
< nilay> we don't want a hardcoded inception layer right?
< zoq> No, but I guess, the only thing you can modify is the number of input and output filter?
< nilay> don't run it right now, it has lot of namespace error, but do you agree with the comment at the top
< nilay> can we do something like that
< nilay> i get this idea after i understood template recursion
< zoq> do you mean we constrcut the inception layer or the inception network with (conv1, bias1, base1- concat with - ...?
< nilay> yes
< nilay> i make a generic sublayer class
< zoq> for the network or the layer?
< nilay> subnetworklayer class
< nilay> which does forward backward gradient updates
< zoq> so I guess, for the network part
< nilay> and also one concatenation_layer class, which will just concatenate outputs, in forward and distribute for the backward
< zoq> yeah, right we definitely need a concat layer.
< nilay> if we can make a subnetwork class it would be easier to stack repeating components (like inception layer)
< nilay> otherwise write separate hard coded inception layer for each type of repeating subnet
< zoq> yeah, good idea
< nilay> same cnn.hpp functions are required but as you said, we cannot construct a net, so we use those functions in layers
< zoq> what I don't get is, how can the number of output filter for the conv1 layer be different from the conv3 layer?
< zoq> How can we accumulate the output of different sizes, maybe I missed something?
< nilay> i have to check
< nilay> give me a minute
< zoq> Maybe it becomes clear if I see the test for the forward pass.
< nilay> ok, should i do it first, or do you think i implement the subnet_layer class
< zoq> I think it's better to implement the test first, so that we can make sure, the forward and backward pass works.
< nilay> do you see the table they made in paper
< zoq> table 1?
< nilay> yes they have written there the number of filters only right?
< mentekid> Hey, I have some trouble with Cmake on the AppVeyor build: I use find_package(OpenMP 3.0.0) to detect OpenMP. The package should _not_ be found by the AppVeyor build, since VisualStudio only supports OpenMP2.0... But it finds it (erroneously) and attempts to build it, and the build crashes. Any ideas how I can correctly detect the OpenMP version? Has anyone run into similar problems?
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1192 (master - 34cf8d9 : Marcus Edel): The build is still failing.
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< zoq> nilay: Do you need another parameter?
< nilay> another parameter like?
< zoq> nilay: I think the size of the filter and the number of output filter is everything you need.
< zoq> mentekid: let's see
< mentekid> zoq: thanks :) Here's my PR: and here's the appveyor build that's about to fail:
< mentekid> line 9332 for example
< mentekid> sorry 9330
< zoq> It looks like you can't specify the OpenMP version:
< zoq> I think what you could do here is to modify the FindOpenMP.cmake file and adjust the test, or you could check the compiler first and skip the (OPENMP_FOUND) section if msvc.
< mentekid> huh
< mentekid> I see
< mentekid> I'll try to do the first one. Thanks!
< zoq> is this the only problem: 'i': index variable in OpenMP 'for' statement must have signed integral type
< mentekid> yeah seems like it
< mentekid> so I could try building a for loop with a size_t
< mentekid> and if that fails, then the test will fail
< zoq> you can't just use int instead of size_t?
< mentekid> where do I look for the FindOpenMP.cmake? It's not in mlpack/CMake
< mentekid> or should I download it from github and use that?
< zoq> It comes, with cmake. What I don't like is that in most cases OpenMP 2.0 is just fine.
< zoq> you could use the version from github
< zoq> I'm not sure, if you really need size_t
< mentekid> It isn't really needed - we can do with long long, it just produces warnings because armadillo.n_cols() returns size_t
< zoq> so, we could cast n_cols once and use that in the for loop?
< mentekid> I guess... it's not like it will overflow easily
< mentekid> long long is what? 64 bits at least?
< mentekid> or 128?
< mentekid> if somebody has that many points, OpenMP can't help him anyway :P
< zoq> or we could do the same as in dt_utils.cpp line 183
< zoq> and yes, long long is at least 64 bits
< mentekid> I like the dt_utils solution actually
< mentekid> so since we've solved this problem before there's no reason to reinvent a solution
< mentekid> cool! thanks :)
< zoq> yes, I like the idea
< zoq> tham: The exact policy produces an economy-size decomposition if rows << cols, so maybe you should use cols = rows or rows > cols, to make a comparison.
< rcurtin> mentekid: zoq: I agree, the dt_utils.cpp solution is good, I forgot about that one
< rcurtin> zoq: I guess you are right, maybe there is not much compelling reason to force OpenMP 3 if it is only for unsigned index types
< rcurtin> I think the whole situation is kinda frustrating, but maybe it is better to just work around it instead of throwing Windows users under the bus
< mentekid> rcurtin: In the end I think the dt_utils.cpp solution ends up being the simplest one, so yeah we can avoid pissing off windows users for no reason
< mentekid> I'm waiting for appveyor to complete the build but I haven't seen any errors so far so I'm confident
< rcurtin> ok; once that is done I'll go ahead and merge
< rcurtin> thanks for the fixes
< rcurtin> I guess you are moving on to LSH tuning now?
< mentekid> yeah I started reading the paper on wednesday
< rcurtin> ok, great
< mentekid> it's safe to say I understand 5% of it :P
< mentekid> Once I have a better idea of what I don't understand I'll mail you my questions
< rcurtin> sounds good; it may take a bit for me to respond since I am not familiar with the exact details of the paper but I will look through the paper on the way home today
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< zoq> marcosirc: flann benchmark finished, mlpack results merged, running the ann benchmark now
< zoq> I can write another benchmark script for e.g. HLearn, if anyone thinks that's a good idea.
< rcurtin> Mike Izbicki would be happy if you did that :)
< rcurtin> I think it would be cool to add HLearn, it's apparently quite fast
< rcurtin> but last time I talked to Mike, he said that he had to do a lot of weird things in Haskell to make it fast. I don't know the details though because I don't know Haskell
< zoq> so, I guess in this case, can you install HLearn on shoeshine? ... I really like Haskell and the source looks great
< rcurtin> yeah, sure, let me do that
< rcurtin> do you want me to update the whole system? (apt-get upgrade, probably dist-upgrade too)
< zoq> sounds, like a good idea
< rcurtin> ah but shoeshine is running the benchmarks right now, maybe we should wait?
< rcurtin> I can still install haskell, that will probably not affect much, but upgrading the whole system might be risky
< rcurtin> HLearn isn't packaged in the debian repos, so I guess just installing ghc is good enough? let me know if more is needed
< keonkim> I had one thought about dt_utils.cpp that we could utilize data::Split() while it does cross validation
< keonkim> (just as a side note)
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< zoq> rcurtin: I agree, let's do the full upgrade once the benchmark is finished.
< rcurtin> ok, I installed libglpk and am also installing llvm-3.5
< rcurtin> keonkim: I agree, data::Split() would fit there just fine instead of the custom splitting code
< zoq> keonkim: great idea
< zoq> rcurtin: okay, great
< marcosirc> zoq: Ok, great.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1195 (master - 425324b : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< rcurtin> PR #694 is slowing my browser to a crawl; maybe we made too many comments :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1196 (master - 44c7c35 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1197 (master - aaefadd : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#1198 (master - cf2e18c : Marcus Edel): The build was fixed.
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< zoq> nilay: Shouldn't we use the same columns for each row in the Discretize function, instead of shuffling the columns each iteration?