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< zoq> nilay: Hello, have you seen my question?
< nilay> zoq: oh sorry, i see it now
< nilay> actually we need to shuffle for each iteration, because for each sample (zs.n_cols) we need to have new random patches
< zoq> But in this case we could take the same sample multiple times.
< nilay> ok, let me check
< nilay> zoq: actually what i wanted to do was when filling each row of zs (256 elem) to shuffle the lis and then fill it. I am not even doing that also. You are right, i should only shuffle once outside the for loop.
< nilay> Also, i am writing the comments it should be finished and pushed by tomorrow.
< zoq> Okay, thanks for looking into the issue and for the comments.
< zoq> Also, did you made progress with the inception layer test?
< nilay> yes, made some progress, still have to check the backward pass and gradient update
< zoq> The forward pass looks good?
< nilay> actually when i call train, i get error in backward pass right now
< nilay> forward looks good, i am using the test only, i should be able to do it
< zoq> sounds good, can you push the test case that tests the foward pass?
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< nilay> i was participating in a codeforces contest... is it ok if i push it tomorrow, as i would have to clean up some things
< nilay> and i am tired :)
< zoq> nilay: sure no problem, codeforce contest sounds interesting
< nilay> zoq: yeah, its just something i do to prepare for campus placements in august, after that i don't know if i will participate :)
< zoq> oh, so they challange you with a bunch of interesting problems you need to solve?
< nilay> yeah, the interview process is like that, they ask us to solve problems, i guess its the same everywhere?
< zoq> I think so, there aren't any on-campus interviews here in Germany, as far as I know.
< nilay> oh, why not? people do only research there?
< zoq> I'm not sure why, off-campus is often the prefered way.
< nilay> ok
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