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< rcurtin> zoq: in the PROGRAM_INFO, "the calculated log-likelihood is given directly to stdout"
< rcurtin> so in that case it is intentional; this way if the user runs mlpack_hmm_loglik with some model and not --verbose the only thing they get is the log-likelihood
< rcurtin> it might be nice to encode that as an "output parameter" somehow
< rcurtin> I'll have a PR for something like that soon... I've started on the automatic bindings project since Symantec wants to use mlpack internally but wants to use it from inside of Python
< rcurtin> the automatic bindings might also make testing the command-line programs feasible... but I have not yet worked out the details
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< zoq> rcurtin: ah, I didn't read any of program info blocks.
< zoq> rcurtin: The long-awaited automatic bindings project, let me know if you need any help.
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< rcurtin> zoq: sure, I will be doing it in a bunch of PRs, so hopefully the first one will be ready this week
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< rcurtin> keonkim: I'll take a second pass at #694 when you are done pushing more to it, so if you want me to do that just let me know when you are done :)
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