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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#734 (master - e0e7ba5 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< uniden> hello, anybody here?
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< zoq> too late
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< palashahuja> hi, zoq
< palashahuja> I couldn't work on the benchmarks thing
< palashahuja> I was really busy these days
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< wasiq> lol its like challenge on the irc to catch the people who ask the questions before they leave.
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< Dean_> Greetings all! I have a question regarding the mlpack_nmf command line program. I am receiving the output in Matrices W and H "-nan" in all elements of the csv files. I am told that the number of random columns is more than available in matrix V, "weird results may ensue!" V is of size [2][512]. How do I specify the dimensions of W and H? Or what is happening here please? - Massive respect for your work. Thank you for your time. - Dean
< rcurtin> hey dean, you can specify the rank of the decomposition with --rank
< rcurtin> that will control the size of W and H
< rcurtin> are you srue that your csv file isn't transposed?
< rcurtin> if you have 512 points, then it should be 512 rows in your csv
< Dean_> It is at 2. (Just testing as I'm still trying to get my head around how the rank affects the output)
< Dean_> Hmm ok.
< rcurtin> yeah; a higher rank will mean a better reconstruction, generally
< rcurtin> your V matrix probably represents some data points, right?
< Dean_> I see. What is the recommended range of rank then please? Matrix V is representing Spectrogram data
< Dean_> I am building a Source Separation tool
< rcurtin> yeah, so in this case I am not sure why you are decomposing the matrix V; it is already only of rank 2 (at maximum)
< Dean_> Ok, thank you. I guess I need to read into the rank of decomposition.
< Dean_> Thanks for your time.
< rcurtin> sure, feel free to ask more questions :)
< rcurtin> I think maybe another good paper to read is the original NMF paper:
< rcurtin> in case you haven't seen that one already
< rcurtin> basically, NMF is well-suited to problems where you have a large data matrix V, and you want to represent it as two smaller matrices W and H
< rcurtin> but one of the keys of the decomposition is that your big matrix V is actually low-rank
< rcurtin> it looks like your data matrix is small, with size 2x512, so I don't know if NMF is applicable
< rcurtin> if the dataset was more like, I dunno, 100x512, I think you would have a good case for using NMF
< Dean_> thanks for the recommendation! I will read that paper. Well I had briefly come to understand that NMF would be the best for solving the task of Audio Noise removal. This is my undergraduate thesis project. I am building a tool to accomplish this. Tbe
< Dean_> The size of V is the result of taking a very short recording and its STFT data
< Dean_> I'm going to go away, read the paper, and think about this all. Thank you very much for your time!
< rcurtin> sure, I hope the paper is helpful
< rcurtin> :)
< Dean_> :) thanks, me too !
< rcurtin> I do think that NMF will be a good tool, but I suspect your V matrix should have each STFT as its own column
< rcurtin> so, e.g., maybe you have 1000 STFT frames and each of those have, say, 512 frequency bins in them
< rcurtin> then your V matrix is 512 x 1000
< rcurtin> when you read through the paper, think about H being a matrix of "prototype" STFT frames
< rcurtin> and every actual STFT frame in V is made up of some linear combination of those "prototypes" in H
< rcurtin> so when you choose the rank of the decomposition, what you are really choosing is the number of "prototypes"
< Dean_> Hmm ok
< Dean_> I will bare this in mind. Very helpful!
< Dean_> I have been trying to self-teach all of this so I appreciate the advice. Thanks a lot. Take care
< rcurtin> sure, it is a lot to learn, so it's normal if it seems overwhelming :)
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< Dean_> hehe :) yeah, it is quite!
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#735 (master - 77532c8 : Marcus Edel): The build is still failing.
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< zoq> palashahuja: Hello, don't worry about the benchmarks.
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