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< keonkim> I made a new method and a simple file that gets the input and prints out to test cli stuff.
< keonkim> I wrote: PARAM_STRING_REQ("input_file", "test input file", "i");
< keonkim> and when i execute it from a command line file
< keonkim> [FATAL] Caught exception from parsing command line:option '-i' is ambiguous and matches different versions of '--input_file'
< keonkim> this error message is shown. What should I look for to fix the bug?
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< zoq> keonkim: you used the option 'i' like in PARAM_STRING_REQ(...) multiple times
< keonkim> I only have one parameter which is --input_file (-i)
< zoq> keonkim: Can you show me the code?
< zoq> keonkim: everything before main should be sufficient
< keonkim> :zoq these are things I changed
< zoq> keonkim: hm, the code looks good to me, let me build the exectuable
< zoq> keonkim: Why do you use add_cli_executable?
< zoq> keonkim: That could be the failure, let's see
< zoq> keonkim: okay, I have to remove line 14 in preprocess.hpp, but now it builds, let's see
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< zoq> keonkim: wait, it hasn't anything with your code, I can't run any command line exectuable
< zoq> *anything to do
< keonkim> zoq: does it say '-i' is ambiguous and matches different versions of '--input_file'?
< zoq> keonkim: yes
< zoq> keonkim: or any other combination
< keonkim> zoq: oh shoot I think I just found it
< keonkim> zoq: I am not supposed to add _main.cpp files in there right?
< zoq> keonkim: ah, nice catch
< keonkim> zoq: let me try again without it
< zoq> keonkim: looks good
< zoq> keonkim: Do you already started with the project?
< keonkim> zoq: no I am just playing with it :)
< zoq> keonkim: ah, great
< keonkim> thanks for helping
< zoq> keonkim: you solved the problem :)
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