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< stephentu> naywhayare: i'm trying to get travis CI to build mlpack
< stephentu> stuck on this
< stephentu> its the unsupported type error
< stephentu> so i followed the advice you gave in
< stephentu> so basically I sudo cp a custom config.hpp
< stephentu> which looks like
< stephentu> specifically I make it do #if !defined(ARMA_USE_CXX11) #define ARMA_USE_CXX11
< stephentu> i'll try ARMA_64BIT_WORD now
< stephentu> to see if that does anything
< stephentu> naywhayare: actually that seems to ahve done the trick
< stephentu> it appears to be stuck?
< stephentu> whats this "compiled with debug symbols" at the end
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< awhitesong> naywhayare: not sure if you got this message , ya will surely look into armadillo wrappers. Thanks.
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< naywhayare> stephentu: the build fails with "No output has been received in the last 10 minutes, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself."
< naywhayare> but this is more a factor of mlpack_test taking a rather long time
< naywhayare> if there's some way you can increase the timeout, the test usually takes probably 45min-1hr when compiled in debug mode
< naywhayare> if not, you can run mlpack_test with verbose output ('--log_level all' or '-l all') and I think that'll be enough output to make travis happy
< naywhayare> failing that, we can hunt down the tests that are taking over ten minutes and figure out how to make them shorter (which is probably a thing that should happen anyway)
< stephentu> naywhayare: ya i guess my questionw as, do we actually have tests that take 10 min to run
< stephentu> i'll bump the timeout and make it more verbose
< naywhayare> we shouldn't have tests that take more than ten minutes each, but there may be one or two which could probably be refactored to be shorter
< stephentu> naywhayare: i'm surprised thsi boost test thing doesnt have a way to run test in parallel
< stephentu> naywhayare: although we could sort of do it by running multiple bin/mlpack_test instances with different filters
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< stephent1> naywhayare: travis CI only gives us 50 min
< stephent1> to run tests
< stephent1> so we might need to have a reduced test suite
< stephent1> or for now we can just test compilation
< stephent1> oh shit
< stephent1> naywhayare: i accidentally pushed to the mainstream branch
< stephent1> all the travis CI stuff
< stephent1> should I revert it all or rewrite the history?
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< naywhayare> stephent1: don't worry about it, it's not a problem
< naywhayare> travis.yml doesn't actually affect anything in mlpack, so I don't think it's a problem
< naywhayare> entertaining commit messages too :)
< naywhayare> I personally think that build rules fit better into a separate, auxiliary repository (in svn we used mlpack/conf/ instead of mlpack/trunk/) but I don't think that this makes much sense with git and I'm not sure that's how travis works
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< stephentu> naywhayare: well, you could have a hook in mlpack
< stephentu> which on commit
< stephentu> pushes to another repo
< stephentu> which has the build config
< stephentu> ok so i think what i will do next is
< stephentu> write a script that basically greps out all the test suites
< stephentu> and then we can shard out the test suites using the filtering options of mlpack_test
< stephentu> unless you have a better idea of how to get a list of all possible test cases
< stephentu> then we can run the tests in parallel and hopefully get under the 50 minute build time
< stephentu> (or exclude the tests which dont pass)
< stephentu> (i mean take too long)
< naywhayare> I saw that the FastMKS test takes 20 minutes in debug mode when I looked at the Jenkins reports:
< naywhayare> wow, and in that case TreeTest took 29 minutes
< naywhayare> I'll see if there are quick fixes for those tomorrow
< stephentu> cool
< stephentu> but ya once we get the test time down we'll have auto travis builds
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