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< HeikoS> naywhayare: hey, how did ICML go, will we meet in lille? :)
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< naywhayare> stephentu: the PrimalDualSolver tests are still failing with the same error (initialZ is not symmetric positive definite)
< naywhayare> for now I think I will comment out the failing tests, but I wanted to let you know before I did that, in case you would rather I do something else :)
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< sahmed95> hi, is mlpack applying for GSoC2015 ?
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< zoq> sahmed95: Hello, short answer; yes.
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< sahmed95> anyone working on the "Log::Fatal should give a backtrace of some sort"
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< zoq> sahmed95: To my knowledge no one is working right now on the "Log::Fatal backtrace" issue.
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< zoq> sahmed95: Basically if none is assigned to an issue none is working on it. The issue #380 is meant to be an entrance task for the GSOC so it is a great way to get familar with the codebase.
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< sahmed95> yeah... I m trying to work on it. I have previously worked on python and this seems to be a good way to explore c++ which is new to me
< zoq> If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to ask, either on the mailing list or IRC.
< sahmed95> sure. . Thanks..
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< sahmed95> facing issues with libxml. Applied fix #393... Can't there be a permanent solution to it rather than adding libxml path to the search path of compiler ?
< zoq> Definitely, as naywhayare suggested we should make the libxml2 dependency entirely internal to the library. There is also an GSOC project idea 'redesign the load/save
< zoq> functionality' ( which makes the dependency absolete.
< sahmed95> Okay. Great, this seems like a good idea to pursue. I am going to read and try to understand the issue..
< sahmed95> Also, I would like to know if you would be interested in implementing ID3 algorithm for decision tree... If it has not been implemented already...
< zoq> Sorry, Udit implmented the ID3 algorithm for the decision tree last year.
< sahmed95> okay. I 'll try this one then. Thanks ! I am also up for implementation of new algorithms (Genetic/Symbolic Regression etc.) Thanks for your help
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