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< naywhayare> stephent1: non-exciting news: to properly provide an eigs_sym_pair() function so you can get a few eigenvectors/eigenvalues of the system Ax = Bx\lambda, I need solve(SpMat)
< naywhayare> which is bad news, because it means I now need to spend some time wrapping SuperLU or something like that, but it's good news, because afterwards solve() and lu() become available for sparse objects
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< naywhayare> awhitesong: you asked yesterday about the generalized eigenvalue solver
< naywhayare> I'm in the process of wrapping ARPACK to do this for Armadillo, but it's somewhat complex, and I need to wrap SuperLU first so that I can have solve() and lu() for sparse matrices
< naywhayare> you're welcome to help out, but I'm not actually sure what wrapping SuperLU will look like yet...
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< stephent2> naywhayare: ill try to get to mlpack bugs thsi weekend
< stephent2> sorry i've been busy lately
< awhitesong> naywhayare: Hi. sure, will try to dive into SuperLU's source for lu decomposition function and see about wrapping it. Thanks.
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< stephentu_> naywhayare: oh wow i'm glad I didn't attempt to do this
< stephentu_> but its cool i think this would be a good gsoc project so we should keep it
< stephentu_> unimplmeented for now
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< naywhayare> awhitesong:
< naywhayare> ah, too slow
< stephentu_> haha
< naywhayare> stephentu_: wrapping SuperLU and ARPACK for Armadillo is going to be something that probably most GSoC students would find too difficult
< stephentu_> we need like a mailing list
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< stephentu_> naywhayare: well definitely, i mean once you do it, the manifold project will be feasible :)
< naywhayare> yeah
< naywhayare> I hope to get it done by the start of GSoC, and I think that's possible
< naywhayare> awhitesong: wrapping SuperLU is going to be somewhat complex. if I remember right, the really hard part is going to be shimming SuperLU correctly so that we can use all four variants (float, double, std::complex<float>, std::complex<double>)
< naywhayare> I think that when you include SuperLU, you #include <superlu_<type>.h> where type is one of those four types above
< naywhayare> and then that .h file typedefs some symbol which appears in each of those files... so I can't include all four at once
< stephentu_> oh that sounds like some macro fun
< naywhayare> if by "fun" you mean "nightmare disaster" :)
< stephentu_> yes
< stephentu_> QEMU does this all over the place
< stephentu_> ifdef COND_!
< stephentu_> #ifdef cond_1
< stephentu_> #include "file".h
< stephentu_> #undef cond_1
< naywhayare> I actually met the SuperLU maintainer... she works at LBL, right up the hill from you. I think I should probably send a patch so that it doesn't do stupid crap like that
< stephentu_> #ifdef cond_2
< stephentu_> #include "file.h"
< stephentu_> etc
< naywhayare> ah, this is worse, something like this
< naywhayare> in superlu_float.h (or whatever it's called): "typedef float superlu_type;"
< naywhayare> in superlu_double.h (or whatever): "typedef double superlu_type;"
< naywhayare> and so forth
< naywhayare> so you can't actually include all four
< stephentu_> oh god
< naywhayare> meaning that what will probably have to be built is a wrapper in four separate compilation units that hides that type inside of only that compilation unit
< stephentu_> is it written in pure C?
< stephentu_> or did they just not learn about templates
< naywhayare> I think so, yeah
< naywhayare> if it is C++, then it's basically C with classes instead of structs, or something along those lines
< naywhayare> I think the folks that wrote it are more comfortable in FORTRAN...
< stephentu_> that is scary
< naywhayare> yeah, which is why I'm glad the scariness will be hidden in Armadillo (which is, in its own way, scary) and not directly in mlpack...
< stephentu_> ya i dont touch armadillo w/ a long stick
< naywhayare> it's a very cool design internally, but it's a one-man show (and the maintainer likes it that way), so the internal code makes complete sense to him but isn't documented very well to the outside world
< naywhayare> I wish that he would focus more on documenting the project and growing the developer community around it, but that project is very much his own personal project, so whatever, it's his choice. as long as he continues to maintain it, there's not too much compelling reason to switch away
< naywhayare> considering how much work that would take...
< awhitesong> naywhayare: ohk. i will try to see the code . If possible, we can also consider using Eigen c++ library, i guess its implementation is simpler. guess its using sparseLU class that is taking SparseMatrix<typename> in all the four formats.
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< naywhayare> awhitesong: unfortunately I don't think the Armadillo maintainer would be okay with wrapping Eigen, but I think maybe we can use the same techniques they are for wrapping
< naywhayare> I think they use SuperLU internally
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< naywhayare> the first problem to deal with will be how to provide functions that call the correct SuperLU overload depending on the type of the matrix; I hope to be able to take a little time tomorrow to try some things out
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< awhitesong> ok.i will try to go through its code. Also will try to see if and how eigen is using superLU. Thanks.
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